Tooth problems

Posted by: Di

Tooth problems - 06/25/09 05:38 PM

A few weeks ago I had filling gone bad. The tooth had decay right up against the nerve and when he filled it, I nearly hit the ceiling. WAY painful.

For 12 days I suffered in constant pain...on aspirins continually, or as often as I could take them safely. I could not sleep, eat normally etc. Found out later the nerve was infected. It even hurt to talk!

Got back to the dentist and he still wanted to drill and fill and whatever. I INSISTED he pull the darn tooth, which he did! I'm an advocate of keeping healthy teeth. But also an advocate of getting RID of unhealthy ones. I've had five permanent teeth pulled in the last year. Just SICK of drills and pain and such. My whole life I've been in a dentist's chair. All this stems from a childhood dentist who never gave Novocaine; therefore, never drilled deeply enough, causing decay to continue UNDERneath the fillings!

Anyway, this extraction then led to dry socket. Which means the bloody clot got dislodge which aides in proper healing, causing MORE pain. NO WAY was I going BACK to the dentist 45 minutes away.

Then discovered (and kinda knew this already) that applying Clove Bud Oil directly to the tooth and surrounding areas will help. Yes! It's helped almost immediately. Thankfully we use clove oil for our shea butter and soap. so have plenty on hand.

After weeks of aspirin, motrin, pain killers, I'm finally on the road to recovery. Next, a partial plate so I can eat again.

Bottom line: Take charge of your tooth health. NO LONGER am I allowing root canals or other such wastes of time/money. The partial plate allows for "add ons" which means if I lose another permanent tooth, they simply add another!

I want to be "set" by the time I'm 60 so I won't have dental problems again!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Tooth problems - 06/25/09 08:47 PM

Ew! There is no pain quite as bad as tooth pain or an earache. Everything in the head region is just awful. You described something that I went through a few years ago, and they found an abscess at the root canal! Ouch! Glad you are feeling better. You must be sighing big sighs of relief.

One thing that I hate about my teeth, and that is they seem to get more yellow every year. I used to have gleaming white teeth. Nothing helps. I had them bleached twice! The docotr said it's old age, and people who had very white teeth, tend to get more yellow teeth later, because they are thinner. heh?

I'm thinking of getting porcelain caps over them...A costly price, since the insurance won't cover cosmetic dental work. Not sure what to do.
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/02/09 03:33 AM

Sorry, guess I just need sympathy. Dentist pulled another tooth today (2nd in a week!). They all have infected nerves. They are PAINFUL...and now I can't eat much until I get a partial, which may not be for 6 months.

He gave me the last three teeth he pulled. Anyone wanna see them? they sure have some LARGE roots. Wonder how much weight I lost between the losses and not eating much. I know I look gaunt lately. NOT FUN to get old!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Tooth problems - 07/02/09 09:22 AM

Aw you poor thing! NOT good to lose weight that way!
Good thing those darn critters are coming out!
Posted by: Alice

Re: Tooth problems - 07/02/09 01:29 PM

Hope you are feeling better soon! I have been seeing my periodonist for 30 years and go back and forth between (perio) and dentist; my goal is to keep my teeth, and if I had the money spent on them, could retire right now!

My teeth are excruciatingly sensitive; they hve to use warm water, and I can't even stand for them to put the de-sensitizing gel on my gum; if it navigates to the tooth; I am thru the roof. I have an amazing periodontal asssitant; I told her she can never die; I cannot let anyone else near my gums and teeth but her!

LOL...Hugs, Alice
Posted by: jabber

Re: Tooth problems - 07/02/09 02:28 PM

Holy Hannah. Sorry Di. That sounds terribly painful. Hope your mouth heals and you never have to go through that anymore. I've spent the last 17 years getting teeth repairs: caps, implants, whitenings, and such. I hate going to the dentist, eye doctor, medical doctor, etc. But I kept after my teeth and now am glad I did. Sorry your childhood dentist was a nutbar. Not drilling on my teeth without Novocaine. God love you. Just the thought of that blows me away. Good luck.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Tooth problems - 07/02/09 02:30 PM

Love your Holy Spirit 'n Roses get well ecard! Beautiful!
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/02/09 02:44 PM

thanks, gals. I'm on the recovery road finally. I knew this would happen when I was younger. Mom used to warn me. It's a genetic issue AND the fact that the acidity in my mouth decays them quickly. Thankfully I have front teeth (whether capped, crowned or my own) so no one sees my toothlessness. BUT I"m talking funny now and making myself rest, which I'm not good at. But a good murder/mystery takes care of that!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Tooth problems - 07/03/09 02:51 AM

Saying prayers for you Di. Gods blessings!
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/03/09 03:22 AM

I'm on the upward swing to being pain free! Today took two naps and a Motrin. My gums itch and a bit black/blue but so far so good.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Tooth problems - 07/03/09 01:42 PM

Prayers and blessing and long distance hugs! Hope you are 100%
better real soon!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Tooth problems - 07/03/09 03:00 PM

Di...I know what you mean about bad dad took me to a dentist only when the cavity hit the nerve...then they'd pull the tooth...I had lots of work done in the military...all free...thankfully, but the teeth not done in the military are now showing signs of wear and tear. Going to the dentist in about 2 hours to have fillers put around the two lower back teeth around the gum line. As we age our gums receed and they're dentist is a jewel. Larry's used her for years and after we married I went to's a clinic of all women...they're funny, all get along, we talk about everything from kids, grandkids to quilts to eventually teeth...LOL.
Di...I wore a partial until the Air Force took it away and gave me a beautiful bridge...makes a difference. I need a bridge on the right side of my upper right gums but cannot afford it.
Take care of the teeth you have left...I use Sensodine helps a lot for sensitive teeth.
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/03/09 03:31 PM

thanks for the empathy. My dental work is free (county program) thankfully. Believe me I'm happier to have them OUT. The partial is sorta like the flipper I had years ago when I lost a front tooth to a cyst. Then I had a bridge done, which is great. But the partial will be for the upper and lower, when I can save up for it. Thankfully I "begged them down" on the cost with the help of the hygienist. They wanted a whopping $1200 (some services are NOT free) so I'm happy about that.

DH and I want to be "ready" before we are 60 with little to cost health costs. Again, the county and state programs are helping big time!

Posted by: Dee

Re: Tooth problems - 07/04/09 01:11 AM

Di...I feel your pain.
Today I went for a simple procedures but it ended up being painful....I received two shots in my jaw by the last molar, bottom left. My doctor had an emergency come in and I waited 1.5 hours in the chair for her...the tech and I talked all that time. By the time my doc came in she was so stressed out and upset that I'd had to wait that her face and neck were red. I tried to assure her that it wasn't a big deal but she felt so badly that I had to have more shots (me, too)...the shots had almost worn off by then and I had to get 3 more shots and then the nerves would not go to sleep...she had to put a special kind of numbing goo in the filling that numbed the roots and allowed her to layer more filling on top. She told me I was going to hurt after the drugs wore off and she was right...but, it's geting better by the hour. Trouble is I have to go through this again next month...but, she promised me I would not have to wait, again. LOL
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/04/09 03:15 AM

OH DEE...that must've been horrible. To have to re-live the shots! UGH

The last filling I had (which later became an extraction) he had to give me extra shots 'cause I felt every drill. The needle he used then looked to me like it was 2 feet long!

I HATE going to the dentist!! But heck I guess those who don't mind it are the ones who never have cavities!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Tooth problems - 07/04/09 02:07 PM

I'm with you: I hate going to the dentist.

Di, I've been thinking about you. IMO your moods [those about
feeling the need to be needed] may stem from all the meds you
have taken in connection with troubled teeth. Medications trip out our emotions.

Some gals have problems with jawbone deterioration, too. And that's a bummer.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Tooth problems - 07/04/09 02:09 PM

Sorry about what you went through at the dentist. Hope all is
well real soon!
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/04/09 11:24 PM

There are a few dentists locally who do sedation dentistry. However, since we are with a county program, we must go to a certain facility...which is fine.
They don't do sedation dentistry. They mainly deal with the health of the teeth...and they do PULL a lot of teeth because by the time some go, they are in NEED of them to be extracted. The dentist I have is retired from his own private practice and specializes in surgery etc. He's really good at pulling teeth, which is my main need.

Right might have something there. I've been in pain for a long time.....slowly abating, but the recovery from all these shots, fillings, extractions is hard on a person. Thankfully the culprits that've been causing me health problems for a long time are finally being dealt with.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Tooth problems - 07/05/09 01:45 PM

Good. Here's to quick healing and no more problems. Any person who can run their own business and do the things you do, is a person to be admired! And you, I admire!
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/05/09 01:52 PM

Aw, thanks Jabber. You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. One just never knows.....we just go on and do what we have to do.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Tooth problems - 07/06/09 08:57 PM

Di, I am so glad Jabber said that, and I agree with her 100%.
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/07/09 12:29 AM

I am doing better, thanks, ladies. But I'll tell ya...those teeth are HUGE. No wonder why I am still hurting/taking Motrin for the pain of healing. And, where he placed the HUGE Novocaine needle still hurts/is sensitive big time!

Yes, my temporary depressed state very well could've been the teeth problems, too. Plus other issues in my life are needing to be dealt with as well.

As Dotsie says......Onward with Grace!!;)
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/08/09 01:12 AM

Funny.....when the dentist puts the needle in, he says "Be brave". Well, it's not about's about whimpery! The pain of decaying teeth far outweighs the pain of a temporary needle...I'll put up with the aftermath. As long as I am healthier!!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Tooth problems - 07/08/09 03:25 PM

You're in our prayers I'm sure. I know you are in my prayers.
Blessings to U big time!!!!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Tooth problems - 07/09/09 01:14 PM

You have my sympathy because I hate aching teeth. Tooth problems and ear problems are the worst!
Posted by: DJ

Re: Tooth problems - 07/13/09 05:01 PM

I just got back from the dentist who fixed a broken tooth (that's what happens when we age, he says). Di -- it's too bad you don't live out here -- my dentist is very excited about a prototype ozone apparatus his engineer friend gave him. The engineer was contracted b y a French company to make this and try to get it accepted in the US. It's used in Europe and waiting for FDA approval here (fat chance!). He's used it on patience with decay -- you zap it on the decay, which then stops and the pain stops. Sounds like a miracle...
the reason I say the FDA won't approve is because members of the FDA used to work in pharmaceutical companies. This machine would seriously dip into the sale of pharmaceuticals.
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/13/09 05:07 PM

Yep, they surely would not think (sarcasm here) of dipping into those pharm companies!

Hey, I feel so much better without those teeth. BTW, he did fix a broken tooth, but it still "talks to me". Not bad yet, but I think it'll be going soon, too.

Do you know they charge $175 to PULL a tooth? Ridiculous. Glad I did not have to pay....'bout time I get my tax dollars working for ME!!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Tooth problems - 07/16/09 09:05 PM are things with you and your gums/teeth? Glad to hear your tax dollars are working...woo hoo!!!!
Posted by: Saundra

Re: Tooth problems - 07/16/09 10:00 PM

Hi, Di. I haven't been in here for awhile. So sorry for your pain and anxiety and happy for your recovery. Hope you're feeling better now.

I sure can relate having gone through so much periodontal disease, surgeries, and lost teeth that I wrote a book about it. You have a great attitude and that's more than half the battle.

I had to drive myself home from my last surgery. I don't think they should have let me drive it was so invasive. But I managed. Seems we do so often and then wonder how we got through it.
Posted by: Di

Re: Tooth problems - 07/16/09 10:37 PM

Thanks for all your care, ladies! I no longer am taking my morning Motrin. There is still a bit of numbness on my cheek, but both areas are healing well. I'm off spicy foods and have resorted to only foods that can be chewed with my front teeth. Not lost any weight which is fine. I really don't need to!

I really FEEL healthier now!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Tooth problems - 07/17/09 11:04 PM

Di, glad you're on the mend! Tooth pain is as bad as migraines -- did I ever mention how much I HATE pain in my head?

back in the good old days of Novocaine, my dentist had to give me 7, count 'em, 7 shots at 5-minute intervals before he could even work on my teeth, otherwise I was screaming and plastered to the roof. With the newer drugs, I "only" need 3 shots, but always get a pretty bad migraine when they wear off.

at least I have a good dentist.