Giving of yourself

Posted by: chatty lady

Giving of yourself - 03/04/11 12:38 AM

I have several friends who have had major challenges this last year and I made sure I visited them often taking desserts and other goodies. My one friend said, she was even too weak to open a can of soup. Sometimes when the hospital stay has ended friends forget to continue to show support with some of their time. It really is the little things that count. Love and laughter truly are the best medicines...
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Giving of yourself - 03/05/11 06:12 PM

I totally agree Chatty. Many times people do think that once their friend, loved ones, go home they no longer need companionship or help. Good for you for being the best of friends.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Giving of yourself - 03/19/11 07:10 PM

I couldn't agree more with both you ladies!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Giving of yourself - 03/20/11 02:41 PM

Sometimes it's difficult to know what to do. I've a dear, dear
friend currently in Intensive Care. She was in Critical Care
before we went on vacation. Was put in a regular room for a week and then passed out and was put back in ICU. Doctors' don't know
what's wrong with her. They think she has some rare thing,
called, "Glucagonoma"; but they're not sure. The USA has only
had 200 cases of this illness since 1942. But 1 symptom doesn't jive with what her hubby told me. So I don't know if it's
really that or not. I'm always asking you gals to pray. This friend is a retired school teacher; she's 5 years younger than I. I'd appreciate you adding [Pat] to your prayer lists. God bless and thank you!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Giving of yourself - 03/21/11 02:11 PM

I put the above post in "giving of yourself" because I don't know how to deal with this particular situation. The gal has enough problems. Can't visit ICU, it's for family. She's too sick to enjoy cards and they don't deliver those in that unit anyhow. Her hubby is beside himself; but if I pay him a lot of attention, people might talk. Don't want that. So I pray!
Posted by: Ellemm

Re: Giving of yourself - 03/21/11 10:14 PM

I think Chatty is right. Even more, the time after the hospital stay is when your friendship is needed. I was really, really sick a few years ago. The last thing I would have wanted or could have tolerated was visitors, no matter how well-meaning they might have been. I really don't go visit much in hospitals for that reason.

I was so grateful, though, for the people who brought food when I got home because I couldn't even walk. Their containers of soups and breads were beyond wonderful.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Giving of yourself - 06/11/11 11:03 PM

I appreciate nothing more since growing older than better than average health. I see the difference when someone is ill, how difficult life becomes for them. Prayer always seems tro help!