I posted awhile back about my really psycho sister in law whose children I am trying to get help. This sister in law that moved in for awhile is her sister.

Here is the hassle. My husband, whom I have known since I was a kid, and I, haven't seen her since we were kids! My husband was raised by his mother and she was raised by her father when my husband was 9 and they split! So, we have this stranger in our home because she got into money trouble trying to move to Montana and had to come home to "get on her feet."
This woman is different than I, and it's starting to show. Although I can get along with anyone and show them grace, (finishing school!) she is loud person and not very gracful. When we were kids she used to play tricks on us and use us for practical jokes but she is behaving as well as she can so far, three days. It's so hard to have a harsher personality in close living quarters! My son's have a sort of grace to them and are not loud, at least not at home and think that argueing, as I do, is a big waste of time. This woman is full of gossip, which I don't do, really, eats a WHOLE lot more than me and then calls herself "fat," but I just tell her that her body is normal and fine. She even left a smell in the guest room that my husband couldn't stand so he aired it out! lol. It was a chemical smell or something he said!
It's the sort of thing like banging pots and pans and I set them down lightly. Staying up late and getting no sleep when I ALWAYS sleep eight hours or I am a waste! She knows girls that have been exotic dancers and I know ballerinas, you see?
ARGH! I know that she sees we are different and she's trying to meld into our house but I am having a bit of a bad time because stress causes me more chronic pain.
I'm not asking for advice, just good thoughts for her to find employment, remodel the place she is remodeling as a studio apartment to go FAST, and for her to get going ASAP!

And maybe I can come back to this thread to whine now and again??? Wow. It's hard for me to live with a sort of person, I am SO trained in finishing school, ballet, etc, and am not used to your average person who will say, watch a soap opera or the Simpsons! That's just not me, you know.

Still, I french braided her hair for her when she asked, I stocked the frig with what she eats, (all different from me,) I clean the sheets on her bed, wash her towels and put it all in place for her when she is off working on her life. I'm being good. She is not used to living in such "class and peace," she said. I told her that maybe she would get used to it. It was all I could say! I can't make chaos, right? She has not complained yet but you know how you try to read your guests? She is, today, going to see a friend before she comes home from working on her remodel. I think that is to let her let her hair down because she is afraid to do it here! It's okay for her to let her hair down but I don't know how to incourage her to do that when I don't let mind down like she does, you see?
ah, in laws. I'm trying.

thank you for reading. I needed to share.

dancer9 can't help it!

"Question your privilege"