Not acknowledging packages

Posted by: Di

Not acknowledging packages - 01/01/09 10:36 PM

GRRRRRR.....Just need to have a small whine. I sent an envelope to a family member..and two weeks later I had to ask if they got it! Granted, they apologized and said they, too, do not like it when others reply. But she'll do better next time.

Our business requires using Priority Mail, but this was personal. Plus, I had some stamps leftover and used First Class.

Helpful hint: If someone sends you something....even a card, do acknowledge it! It's courteous and helps one not to wonder if the Post Office ate it up!! I've had packages never arrive so it really concerns me until it gets there.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Not acknowledging packages - 01/02/09 11:24 PM

I agree one hundred percent Di. With the postal service as busy and overworked as they are, one never knows. Hate when anyone does not acknowledge a package sent to them.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Not acknowledging packages - 01/08/09 02:29 PM

I agree with you two, too! It is only common courtesy to let the sender know whatever they sent, arrived safely!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Not acknowledging packages - 01/08/09 04:05 PM

My nephews never thanked me for their Christmas presents. So I stopped sending them. And I don't think they even noticed.

I had to get behind my sons to write thank you notes. A child hardly ever does that on his own, I really put the blame on the mother,...who meanwhile is divorced from my brother,....
I guess it was one of the reasons; she was too lay back on too many issues.

Posted by: DJ

Re: Not acknowledging packages - 01/08/09 09:25 PM

The mother of my nieces is very gracious and warm, and has even been rather strict in their upbringing. But my nieces never thank any of us for anything. Now they're in their 20s, out of college, with good jobs, and I Know they got my gifts because I handed them to them. And still no thank -yous. One of them opened the present right in front of me, the other didn't so maybe it got lost? I don't know, but I'm weary of it.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Not acknowledging packages - 01/08/09 11:21 PM

Well my grandson once again didn't thank me for the check I sent him, he could always call me right? So no Christmas gift went his way this year, still no call, so I guess it doesn't matter one way or another.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Not acknowledging packages - 01/09/09 02:47 PM

Why is it so difficult for some people to say, "Thank you?" I don't get it!
Posted by: Di

Re: Not acknowledging packages - 01/09/09 03:34 PM

I have to be honest...when we were growing up, Mom did not encourage Thank you notes. But, back then, families were so "local" that whenever we received, we thanked right there. So, sadly, my nieces/nephews do not do this because my sisters were not taught that. But still.....EVERYONE should know that THANK YOU (the magic word..HELLO!!) is appropriate.

Next time I want to send someone a gift, especially nieces/nephews, I think I'll tell my siblings to tell their kids that, Aunt Diane will send you something IF she can at least get a thank you note! Or call!

My sister's mother-in-law ALWAYS follows up with a Thank You phone call the day after she attends their home for dinner. VERY thoughtful.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Not acknowledging packages - 01/10/09 02:56 PM

Agree. Thoughtfulness costs nothing, yet is highly valued!