When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______

Posted by: dancer9

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/02/08 05:39 PM

Of course I wanted to be a dancer and singer! As long as I can remember I was dancing to my radio and singing into a microphone my grandfather gave to me! I used to turn off the T.V. and say "watch me!" This practice gave me quite the slaps from my parents but I tried anyway!

What about you?

Posted by: dancer9

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/02/08 06:57 PM

Wow, Anne, that's a lot judgement coming from your parents! To cover your ears when your daughter sings will NOT give her confidence.

My touring life has been drug free, I slept eight hours a night every night, which shows now, and I don't drink. Not everyone falls into that, but it makes good copy so they write about those who do.
I can name some biggies who stayed off that path. Van Morrison comes to mind. It's sad the way everyone judges the life of an artist as impractical and as a life of excess. I could not have danced if I was excessive about anything! I'll bet I am in better physical shape than most of my peers for taking good care of myself!

Again, it's sad that your parents would judge a career in art and I always find it sad.

I hope you sing now, loud and strong! I hope you keep singing and even find an outlet for it.

As to caretaking, I know you can find a position in Arizona. Although you may want one ahead of time, there are too many out there to miss!

Would you like me to talk to my mother's caretaker who has many houses where she employs caretakers about the business next time I talk to her?

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/02/08 07:37 PM

I wanted to be just like Beryl Grey the ballerina.I had a Girls annual and the book opened at the full size picture of her in swan lake.
I also wanted to be a missionary.
Mountain ash
Posted by: dancer9

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/02/08 07:42 PM

Mountain Ash,
With your personality, I could see you do both.
The nice and relaxing sounds of ballet would
suit you well.
It's never too late!
Posted by: gims

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 12:10 AM

I wanted to be a missionary and save the world. I'm laughing at that now.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 02:03 AM

I wanted to go to Africa..I have met a wonderful friend who did to to Malawi as a physio.She tells me about it.Nearest I got.
Perhaps I heard so much about David Livingston at school.
Mountian ash
Posted by: Dee

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 03:51 AM

in another family.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 05:28 AM

Ouch, Dee.

From early grade school until I was in my early 20's, I pretty much figured I'd be a mathematician. Keep in mind that this was 1950's-1960's. The odd thing is, everyone who knew me then (family, teachers, friends) thought I'd be a nuclear physicist.

When my hands are too arthritic to make jewelry, and I'm physically too feeble to do my speaking gigs, I think I'd like to go back to study my early loves. So much has changed in both fields in 4 decades. I attend special lectures every few months at UC Irvine school of science and medicine, but it's more for entertainment information than serious studying. Occasionally I pick up a book on quantum mechanics, but again, just for enjoyment.

I think I also wanted to be an inventor.
And a boy.
And a farmer -- which seemed very exotic to a girl from NYC -- for a very short time, until someone told me that I'd have to wake up before dawn to milk the cows.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 10:58 AM

I wanted to be a nurse, then a doctor, then a radio broadcaster (my "future plans" beside my senior photo in the highschool yearbook said "broadcasting school"). My life has paralled a lot of these things but none were exact.
Posted by: jabber

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 01:31 PM

I secretly wanted to be a writer. But who knew I'd end up with PTSD and that would scramble some of the creative processes. I never told anyone I wanted to write. But the desire was deep inside. I also wanted to be a singer but I can't sing. I wanted to be an actress but I have stage fright. So there you go!
The Divine Ms. M sounds like a BRAIN...!!!! You go girl!!!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 03:07 PM

I remember telling my Mom when I was five years old that I wanted to be a nun. She told me that I couldn't because I wasn't Catholic. So I told her, "well then I'll become a Catholic", not even knowing what a Catholic was!

And from the time I was about five until my early 20's, I also wanted to be a mother of 12 adopted children, a kindergarten teacher and a United Church minister.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 04:33 PM

Do any of you remember the series Elephant Boy? I’m not sure, I think that’s the title. It was about an Indian boy who rode his elephant through the jungle. As a child I wanted an elephant and ride around just like him. I loved that show. Then I wanted to be a Vet, which would not have been good…because at the site of blood, I would have squealed louder than the pigs.

Like you Eagleheart, I wanted at least 12 children. Adopt them and help in missionaries. Funny how a child’s heart is able to swell so big and want to love so many things.

Dancer, I think you could have edited a magazine as well. You come up with the greatest topics. Just want to give you a big thank you.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 07:39 PM

LOL, Hannelore. For years my friends have said I should be the editor of Vogue! No way, the pressure would kill me! Listen to me! The pressure, and I don't find the stage pressure at all!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/03/08 07:47 PM

Another fun topic.

I wanted to be a mom. That's it, just a mom. At midlife, I realized that job came to a screeching halt so I launched BWS and the NABBW.

Anne, I know several women whose second adulthood calling has much to do with their life experiences. Why not?
Posted by: dancer9

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 12:56 AM

What a great wish! You did what your dream was and also did it in a big way as well, giving birth to these ideas that bring us all together into a family!
Good for you, don't settle!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 03:10 AM

I wanted to be a Jockey, yet grew to 5'9"! Too tall!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 01:19 PM

Carol Burnett...
Posted by: jabber

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 01:59 PM

Lucille Ball...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 05:22 PM

Phyllis Diller...
Posted by: Anno

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 05:26 PM

Princess of Monaco
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 06:11 PM

Dale Evans
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 06:32 PM

Roy Rogers horse
Posted by: dancer9

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 07:10 PM

Wow, everyone was into comedy!
Posted by: Sadie

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 07:44 PM

A Ballet Dancer or just a dancer on Broadway in New York City . If that counts . I still love to dance and maybe teach basic ballet to boomer's , soon at night at the local college .

I have not been on for awhile , but hope my comment will help .

Take care all
Posted by: dancer9

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 08:13 PM

Yay,Renee! Do I detect another dancer on the forum?? How awesome is that??
Teaching is SO rewarding! I teach Master Classes and I love how their face lights up when they finally master a move or a set of counts! No matter who they are, Boomer beginners, (good idea,) or young and upcoming dancers, they are so, (and rightfully,) thrilled when they get it right!

Renee is my sisters name as well!
Will you be teaching the boomers, Renee?

How exciting!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 09:36 PM

Rene, good to see you. Off the subject, but how's hubby?

How about dancer giving us dance lessons when we meet in Vegas in April?
Posted by: dancer9

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 09:42 PM

I'm on it, Dotsie. Let me warn you: I am as weird in person as I am in writing! I'm more fun in person tho.

Letttttts dance!
Posted by: Sadie

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 10:56 PM

Thank's , for the offer Dotsie of Vegas, but I will not be coming . I am taking a "Creative Writing Course" at CCBC in HV , and then a class on" Memoir Writing" that is back to back classes and maybe a "Digital Camera" Class in between . My friends think I take really good pictures with my new camera . I won a contest for writing a Christmas story when I was a little girl , of 250 words and had a friend to edit it for me . My friend Louise helped me on here .

Thanks for asking about hubby having back surgery on Jan 18th St. Joe's Hospital . We are praying he will be about to walk 10 miles again . So we can go back to ballroom dancing one day and take that cruise we have always dreamed of and go see the Grand Canyon or go look at the painted desert once again .

Anne , My parents did not have the money to send me to to college after high school either , because in financal reason , but went back and took a year and half of studies and now do non credit classes and learn as much a I can learn . One should never stop learning . Being a caregiver is good also. it does have it's rewards though . I did a lot while daughter was in school . Now moving on with my life and finding I have other hidden talents .

I do have to write a letter to the college about teaching dance at night . Why the basic ballet can benifit us boomer girls

All the best to you girls and good luck
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/04/08 11:06 PM

Renee, it's so good to see you here again! Sorry we won't see you in Vegas.

I agree with your comment on learning. When we stop learning, it's time to die.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/06/08 04:08 AM

I went through a Dale Evans stage too Eagle, and Annie Oakley. But, mostly, I wanted to be an actress. I wanted to write. Then there was my singing and dancing stage. I loved the idea of being a secretary. Wanted to be Della Street. I guess I made that one. Now I'm Della Street with PowerPoint. I should have been an actress.
Posted by: hotflashgal

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/06/08 07:07 AM

Marlo Thomas
Posted by: Dee

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/07/08 12:09 AM

Sleeping Beauty....EVERYTHING Sleeping Beauty!!!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/07/08 12:11 AM

A mousekateer
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/07/08 12:14 AM

Me too, JJ...who was your favourite?
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/07/08 01:13 AM

I was Sleeping Beauty in a play. I loved it, absolutly loved being SB, and I loved acting. The funniest part is that I would not allow the kiss on my lips or face. The director allowed me to get a kiss on the hand. I can't believe my request was respected! I wanted to be a star. Here's the story. If you are already bored you can stop here before you fall asleep.++I was 5 years old. I was roller skating on a tennis court. I loved skating, too. Doris Day was singing on a PA (public Address) system, like stereo speakers outdoors. **Que Sera Sera, whatever will be will be. **Anyway, it was a clear sunny day vs. an overcast day with sun behind the overcast. The song got me thinking about what I wanted to be. I looked at the sky, which I always appreciated more on a sunny day, and I said, "A Star!" This was an epiphany, and I ran to my mother to tell her "I know what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a star!" But my form of communication was more like, "Mom, can I tell you something?" (assessing her mood) She said, "Have you been looking at the sky again? You can't be a star in the sky for a very long time. "(I'd always look at the sky, enchanted. Another topic.) So, I say, "No, Mommy, not that kind of star. The kind of star that people are." She said, "Oh you mean a star like Doris Day." "Yes, that's it. That kind of star." Mom said, "It takes a lot of work to sing and act like that." So, I wanted to be a star. I wanted to sing and act in plays. I'd sing myself to sleep. My mother would always say to wait until I was on stage "to be so dramatic." ++Present day, when I realize I am not the star I wanted to be, I remind myself that we are all stars, because we shine love and light onto the world, and the whole sky, the universe, loves the stars in kind. L, Sleeping Beauty
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/07/08 03:04 AM

I liked Cubby and Lonnie...of course Annette...if you would like to read about them and what has transpired since the show, go here; http://www.originalmmc.com/index.html

Its very interesting!
Posted by: Dee

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/07/08 03:13 AM

Karen and Cubby were my favorite, too...and I LOVED having the same name as Darlene...somehow I felt special because my name was the same as one of the mousekateers.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/07/08 05:33 PM

Thanks for the mousekateer site....it was a fun and memorable read!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/07/08 11:07 PM

Could you believe that one of them went to prison? And it was a girl? I was dumbfounded!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 03:40 AM

I wanted to be Marlon Perkins or the Millionaire guy that knocked on strangers doors and gave them a million dollars. I doubt anything could be more fun than that...

Oh and Dancer, you won't get me on my toes anytime soon, splat!!! Too fluffy for ballet...
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 03:55 AM

I guess you were all bored. No one responded to my real true story. I wanted to be Annette Funnacello? Is that more interesting? How about Shelly Frabres singing "Johhny angel, how I love, him, how I tingle when he passes by but he doesn't even know that I yi yi exist..."
Posted by: Di

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 04:04 AM

Depends on how little...

Ricky Nelson's little sister
Donny Osmond's wife
Airline stewardess
Somebody's mother.
Posted by: gims

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 07:35 AM

Shirley Temple...

I enjoyed your story, Lynn. I actually pictured the whole scene in my mind.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 12:23 PM

I like this now because the thread has turned to a whole different perspective to what we wanted to be. When I think along the line of who I envied so much when I was tiny, it's like gimster's "Shirley Temple." How I envied her! She could dance, sing and make all these exciting movies! I thought her life was the best and I could relate being about the same age as she was in her many movies. Oh, and I wholeheartedly agree with the Princess....Shelley Fabares was my hero....I thought she had it made, too. I wanted to grow up and look like her and sing "Johnny Angel", too.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 01:00 PM

I was a big Shirley Temple fan too. Like Elvis, I think she was one of a kind. I can't wait to show those DVD's my grandchild. I checked on it, and they recommend 8 years old. Isn’t that too old? I wonder why.

JJ. Thanks for the Mickey Mouse Club link. That was like opening an old treasure chest.

It’s funny, I can’t help but think how much we all have in common. I know there is an astrology thread going on, but I don’t really believe in it. I think there is a little of everything in all of us. As unique as we may like to be,…when you get right down to the nitty gritty we are really all sisters bound by so many similiar growing-up impressions. It is so nice to relate and be understood. I guess that is what I miss most while living in Germany. No one knows what I'm talking about when I mention all those names coming up in this thread.
(( sigh and hugs, .... me homesick ))
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 01:22 PM

You must "come home" soon Hannelore and get your U.S.A. fix! And yes, I think the 8 yearold recommendation is a bit old. Gee, I was watching Shirley Temple from birth, I think! Of course, things have changed a lot and many people protect their kids now like never before. I remember some of the Shirley temple movies could be a little intense and that's all I can think of as to why they'd put such an older age on it. When she was taken away from "grandfather" and cried for him, I was a little upset. I still remember that strong emotion I got from that, but it didn't traumatize me for life...I don't think!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 01:36 PM

I have about a dozen Shirley Temple movies and lent them to my now-7-year-old granddaughter - she's not the least bit interested in them! She's still into Disney Princess. Unless it's animated, she's not interested. I know I was watching ST when I was about 4 or 5 and desperately wanted to learn how to tap dance up and down the stairs like her!

And Princess, I also enjoyed your story about Sleeping Beauty and was empathizing with your avid yearning to be a star...I never wanted to be one, or even remotely famous - but I did yearn to do the things they did, like tap dance like Shirley Temple, or adopt lots of children like Dale Evans, or live at Disneyland like the Mousekateers...now I yearn to be a "star", but not the famous kind - I yearn to be the kind that shines light (and love) into the world.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 02:17 PM

My sisters and I gave Mom an antique Shirley Temple doll one year for Mother's Day. Mother always loved dolls and always made sure we had a new one each year. I love her for that!

Anyway, she always wanted a ST doll growing up. She never got one and was relating that story one day with this look on her face that would have melted your heart. So I called all the sisters and we plotted...found one in New York, and got it. I wish you could have seen her face when she opened the box. She cried, we cried...and one of her wishes came true that day.

It was also during the time she was battling breast cancer so it was even more emotional. Now, Shirley has a prominate place on top of one of the antique dressers in Mom's house. When we stay over at Mom's and get up in the mornings, we have to say, "Morning Shirl," as we walk up the hallway past Shirley's room to the living room.

Now we are getting her all of the LITTLE WOMEN'S dolls.

Okay, a bit off topic. Forgive.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 02:21 PM

JJ, that's soooo sweet! It really is better late than never. Somehow we appreciate getting things even late in life that we never had before. Sweet story...thanks!
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/08/08 03:51 PM

Thanks for the comments on my story. In another thread we are talking about astrology, and I, and Aries, has a great need for attention. Seriously, everybody's contribution here is interesting and fun and tells us something about ourselves. Yes, we can all relate to who we r talking about due to being cohorts as boomers. Eagle, I am not really sure what part of being a "star" I wanted. I don't think it was fame, because I had no concept of famous. I think it was the activity of singing, dancing, and acting. I thought those activities = star. JJ, great story. I was jealous of Shirley Temple. I should have appreciated that someone got one for me. But I thought ST was an ideal of what I should look like (the opposite) and be like. Wow, was I ever a serious child.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/09/08 09:42 AM

Ladyjane, just want to say how sweet it is that you find the time to comment on so many posts. Just like you enjoy doing things for your Hubby, that same selfless giving trait shines through your posts. You are a big warm addition to this forum.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/09/08 12:38 PM

You're too kind, HL. I just can't help it.....the day I joined I jumped in head first and I've reaped so many blessings being a part of this. I look forward everyday to stopping in and keeping up with everyone. I feel like I've made some very special friends here. I wait for the day when I can give everyone a hug in person! You, too, my dear, are one of the nicest people ever (not) met in my life...and I will hug you one day...I just know it!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/09/08 01:43 PM

I just have to chime in here and agree with Hannelore, because I was thinking exactly the same thing as I was reading one of LJ's posts in another forum. Ladyjane, you do shine a lovely light and a gentle healing generosity of heart through your posts - I always love to hear your voice here.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/09/08 03:22 PM

I want my name added to this love fest. LJ did jump right in, has added so much compassion and wisdom to the threads, and ALWAYS has the right attitude. If I had to use one word to describe her, it would be SWEET.

You are much loved here, gal. Know it.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/09/08 03:44 PM

Okay, okay...how did you all know I needed such sweet affirmation today? That's another thing about this forum. I want no other place anywhere in cyberspace to be my home but here. Now I'm crying. Thank you, thank you for such sweetness that at times I don't feel I deserve. BWS has given me a place where I can give to others again and in return, I've received so much more!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/09/08 10:41 PM

Jane sounds in real life as sweet as she posts here in BWS, and ladies dare I say this, me the man hater??? Her husband is as sweet as she is, He spoke with me just like we were long lost friends. He even sang me his special hot dog song. The two are magical and my new favorite happily married couple. I didn't want to hang up, I was so comfortable...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/10/08 01:39 PM

You are all so sweet and thoughtful to just start affirming someone like this. It was exactly at a time when I needed it because it lifted me up so much...and I appreciate you all more than you'll ever know. Love ya, girlfriends!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/11/08 05:29 PM

Ladies, she's a caregiver so it suits her. Check out the testimonials on her site!
Posted by: jladdon

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ___ - 01/14/08 04:07 PM

...not just a Mouseketeer but Annette Funicello herself. In my husband's repertoire of stories, he recounts how, as a little boy, he was in love with Annette Funicello. So our marriage is based on common interests!
Posted by: NYWoman

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/20/08 04:46 AM

The first response that came to mind was this: Miss America!
Posted by: gims

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/20/08 06:10 PM

NYWoman, you ARE Ms America in your own right!!!!!! Love the avatar... absolutely love it!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/20/08 06:28 PM

NYWoman, that is great. I recall watching those pageants with my mom, siblings and anyone else who was with us that night. We actually used pens and papers and tried to see who could pick Miss America each year. Fun memories.

My problem as a kid was that I wanted to be so many different things. If we went to the ice show, I wanted to be a professional ice skater - a parade, I left wanting to be a majorette - a sporting event, a player or the coach. Boy was I easily convinced
Posted by: Dee

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/21/08 06:05 AM

I just strolled down the Micky Mouse website and my goodness what a wonderful trip. I was shocked about some of the direction lives took and sad about others...my favorite, Darlene, ended up in prison...good grief...and poor Karen ended up in a wheel chair...who would have thought. I'll go back and read more but thanks for the connection again. Ahhhhh....those were the good old days when kids were kids and not made to look like sex symbols at 12.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/21/08 01:24 PM

Oh, I loved the beauty pageants as a kid. For years from age 6 or so and on, My three little neighborhood girlfriends and me would plan our pageant for days in the summer. The big day would come (in my basement...fresh flowers from the garden and all) where we'd all dress up and hold the gala event. A few neighborhood boys were the audience and udually bored to tears that we somehow made them sit there and put up with it. My dad still has a few photos of this in the family album and I'm going to retrieve one to post on here!
Posted by: Dee

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/21/08 04:59 PM

LadyJ...that would so cool to see you at that age...and what fond memories you have....can't wait to see them. I bet you were adorable.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/21/08 05:31 PM

hahahaha....I'm not sure adorable is the word! Oh and if I can fight with Dad and run from the house with more pics I'll bring a couple of me as a mascot majorette....the later pictures of that are too scary.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/24/08 01:49 PM

LJ, I recall putting on shows in our driveway. That's when my oldest sister organized them and had all the little neighborhood kids involved. What a hoot.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/24/08 02:15 PM

I only remember one time when we put on a show - I was about 8, and was staying overnight at a school friend's house. We organized this parade, there were about 15 of us, we all had "instruments" and marched around the entire neighborhood singing (at the top of our lungs) "76 Trombones". I love that memory, it was such glorious fun.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a _______ - 01/24/08 02:19 PM

Dotsie, I was a lot like you...I wanted to do figure skating, tap dancing, baton twirling, be a majorette and play a gazillion different instruments...anything and everything!