Both my partner and I are intrigued how much contact some couples seem to have during the day when each person is at work or 1 person at home, on the go, etc.

Few wks. ago there was snowstorm , where I got a car ride ...from one of guys at work. It took 4 hrs. for us to cover 30 kms. During that time he and his girlfriend talked to each other briefly....4 times.

When I finally arrived home, I asked my partner if he would have appreciated a phone call. He said: Well, I knew the weather wasn't great. Or figure you'll go off somewhere by yourself for a coffee/go shopping.

Genuinely, we don't "check" on each other much during the day. We might email briefly or talk for 3 min. on times per week while I'm at work and he is at home. Even when he worked, I rarely had the incentive to phone him. For both us, it broke our work focus.

Of course, we don't have children in the household.

We've been together 14 years. 3 years were spent apart where he was forced to relocate to a different city for work. During that time, we talked/wrote every day at the end of the day.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)