Polygamy for instance?

While this practice for various social developments may be disapating as more women worldwide become literate and many other reasons, this is one area where I do not necessarily agree.

And no I can't respect this practice completely. You have to realize that old traditional Chinese culture prior to Mao/Communism, richer Chinese men took upon more than 1 wife simultaneously under the same household with children from 2 wives living together also.

I have a good Chinese friend my age, born in Canada like myself, who told me once her grandmother died. So I expressed my condolences to her. Then she told me that was her father's "other" mother, meaning his 2nd mom, not stepmom. My friend seemed vague and bewildered. She didn't really want to talk about it. Her grandfather had 2 wives simultaneously. These relationships were consummated in China, not in Canada. But by now, polygamous marriages are outlawed in China and have been for decades.

So it difficult for me to have cultural objectivity... after reading enough stories and hearing enough from the past about conflicts among multiple wives and children, etc.

Of course right now, there is considerable media attention on the rare Mormons sects who where a man has several wives (some under age of consent for sex) and fathers several children from each wife.... Right now in the community of Bountiful British Columbia.
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