Valentine's Day

Posted by: Dotsie

Valentine's Day - 02/14/05 06:54 PM

The love in your heart wasn't put there to stay. Love isn't love until you give it away.

Have fun spreading love today. Try reaching out beyond the obvious...
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/14/05 07:46 PM

I received the best V-Day gift ever, this morning. A new woman visited my site and said my book had given her the extra push she needed to move ahead. Now, that's a gift.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/14/05 10:17 PM

Congrats, Dianne.

I hope everyone has a beautiful and loving Valentine's Day today.

My Valentine is waking up with the knowledge that I'm married to my best friend. I love him for all his characteristics and even more for all his quirks.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/15/05 06:00 AM

I can think therefore I am single.... [Big Grin]

Read that somewhere the other night, I liked it!

For those of you that have a man in your life Happy Valentines Day and to those of us that are our own best friend, Happy Valentines Day to us. [Razz]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/15/05 10:58 PM

I would like to hear how everyone, single, married, dating, living together or whatever spent their Valentine's Day. I hope everyone was in one way or another inundated with love.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/16/05 07:24 AM

I came down with a lousy cold


so I wasn't up for

*cough* *cough*

going anywhere. We made a real nice


dinner: baked salmon filet, quinoa with mushrooms and onions, rooibos tea


and for dessert, we had


one of those million-calorie

*cough* *cough* *cough*

wonderful desserts from


Trader Joes: Miroir au Chocolat mousse tort. After dinner we watched TV shows we had taped.


You're welcome.
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/16/05 09:24 AM

Meredith ,

Take care I just over a terrible cold and still ache all over still.
Orange juice . And chicken soup

Take care ,
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/16/05 09:52 AM

Gee, I hope I don't catch that meredith.
Try echanacea. Hope you get better soon.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/16/05 06:51 PM

My husband and I had a wonderful day, but we celebrated it the day before, on 2/13:

[Razz] We went to IHOPS for breakfast then he took me to get my hair done, to the mall, to my favorite health food store. We had lunch at home and then prepared for our church's "Friendship day banquet"-

[Cool] We wore matching outfits and had a wonderful time at the banquet-where I was asked to sing a love song for him and... of course I was ready [Big Grin] !

[Razz] The food, the program, the company, the banquet room... everything was great and we had about 90 members of our congregation attend the activity.

We spent the day TOGETHER, not rushed, and enjoying each other---(And that doesn't happen often due to his work schedule [Frown] ). That was very much what I was hoping it would be. And it was great [Smile] !
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/16/05 11:05 PM

Song, sounds lovely. I would think the best part was not having to rush! Free time is such a blessing whenyou are spending it with the one you love.

We had a fun weekend so we chose to stay home and eat leftovers. Ross stopped home for lunch so we exchanged little gifts while the house was empty.

Friday night we double dated with my daughter and her beau. They ate dinner with us and then we went to separate movies. We saw Hitch and it was a laugh riot.

Saturday night both kids were out so we snuck out for a little dinner at a local restaurant. Two dinners out and then homemade lasagna Sunday night. That's why there was no need to have dinner out on Valentine's Day.

My daughter was so excited for Valentine's Day that she was in our bedroom at 11:15PM announcing she couldn't sleep. Young's infectious.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/17/05 01:59 AM

Sounds like everyone had a great Valentine's Day.
I found a fabulous red and white dress 1/2 of 1/2 price at an after Christmas sale. I bought it for my 7 mo. old granddaughter and we decided to have a Valentine party on Sunday for all the kids so she could wear it.
We put a brisket in the smoker Saturday night, added veggies Sunday morning, then pigged out when the kids arrived. My granddaughter was the star in her red and white dress.
Monday Dan took a day off. He got me a dozen red roses and one serious and one funny Valentine. We ran errands, etc. all day then about dark we just lay in bed and watched TV for til bedtime.
It was a great Valentine's day.
Posted by: Dian

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/17/05 03:02 AM

Ours was a quiet evening - hubby brought me a set of candles - nice. I felt bad because I was not feeling well (still not feeling well) and I couldn't do anything for him. I always like to do something special on V-Day. We are going to have a belated celebration.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/18/05 08:43 AM

[Cool] Glad for each of you who enjoyed the day!
[Wink] Mine was perfect, and yes, Dotsie: the best part is not being rushed. We were able to enjoy each other!

Dian: [Frown] Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you have a speedy recovery. The most important thing is to let our loved ones know "they are loved". All the rest are just extras... the icing on the cake.
Posted by: mrsmuzz

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/18/05 12:00 AM

My hubby had his chemo on Valentines day and at first he was feeling a little sorry for himself. When he was getting ready to go, he made the sarcastic comment "Well, Happy Valentines to me..." I wisely just did not respond, what could one say? I had left him a card in his truck which was a suprise and he appreciated it. When he got to the chemo appointment the doctor really did have a Valentines present for both of us....the PET scan he took last week shows his cancer to be in full remission. Yipeeeeee, he has only one more chemo and one month from that date he will have another PET scan to see if the cancer comes back. If not, we are done! We think his positive attitude (most of the time) and the prayers of so many have contributed to this. It was a glorious day as far as we are both concerned!!!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/18/05 08:49 AM

Gee, what a Valentine's gift to both of you if your husband's scan comes back ok. We're all praying it will.
Your post reminded me that Feb 14 is an anniversary of sorts for me. I was a single mother of two when I was diagnosed with cancer. I went into the hospital on Feb 12. They did a biopsy on the 13th and I was scheduled for surgery on the 14th. A friend brought me Valentine's candy. I sat in my bed and cried with worry while I ate the eintire box of chocolates. Fortunately I was not nauseous during surgery. After the surgery, for a long time I just tried to prepare for what the cancer would mean to my children, but one day I just knew in my heart that I would defeat the cancer and I did.
May your husband hear that same clear message in his heart and then defeat the illness that is attacking his body.

[ February 18, 2005, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: smilinize ]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Valentine's Day - 02/18/05 09:11 PM

Praise God! We have several cancer survivors in here! Knowing this gives one hope.

Mrsmuzz, I pray for continued good reports. You ahve been so brave. last and this year have been real tests for you and your husband. Don't you think? I'm proud of you for having faith with the move, his job, and his cancer.. He must feel like he's been given a new ease on life. Does his employment remain helpful and hopeful?