Say Thanks to our Soldiers

Posted by: lionspaaw

Say Thanks to our Soldiers - 11/14/06 12:06 AM

I didn't want to post this over an ongoing thread so I'm posting it here -- I received an email from a friend about Xerox having a website for anyone to send a free card to the soldiers in Iraq to say thanks. Before I sent it on I wrote Xerox and asked them if this was for real or a scam -- they wrote me back and said it was for real -- following is the email I sent on to those on my email list

I wrote Xerox about this to make sure it wasn't a scam and this is their response --- after reading their email you can show your support for our soldiers by clicking on
the link provided. This has nothing to do with politics - this has to do with saying THANK YOU to our men and women overseas who put their life on the line every moment of the day and night so we can live FREE in this wonderful country of ours:

Hello Carolyn,

Thank you for your inquiry.

This program is sponsored by Xerox. It was launched on June 26, 2006 and allows you to write a personalized message on postcards - drawn by kids across the country - which will be
printed and sent to deployed forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Please see the attached page from the Xerox web site which will provide you with additional information:;Xlang=en_US

Thank you,
Webmaster Mail Team
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: Say Thanks to our Soldiers - 11/16/06 02:33 AM

Just wanted to bring this back up for those who may have missed it
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Say Thanks to our Soldiers - 11/16/06 03:38 PM

I just did this and it only took a couple minutes. IT's simple to do. Next...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Say Thanks to our Soldiers - 11/16/06 11:03 PM

This is so great and my entire church congregation has been doing it and we have a BIGGGGGG! church membership. Its the least we can do.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Say Thanks to our Soldiers - 11/17/06 11:51 AM

Great idea chatty. I ned to remember to put this in the next newsletter.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Say Thanks to our Soldiers - 11/25/06 06:16 AM

Saw some of our young men home from Iran last week and the sight made me hurt from the very depths of my soul. Missing limbs, heads half gone wearing plates, eyes blinded. Yet they had smiles and said they were pleased to have been able to fight for their country. Please, please don't forget the wonderful kids over there. Take a moment of your (safe) precious time ands sit down and address some cards, send a care package or two. It doesn't take much to make them smile.
Posted by: Bathbuddys

Re: Say Thanks to our Soldiers - 11/25/06 07:19 AM

Hi Chatty,
No it doesn't matter what you send. They are VERY greatful to just get a note, even from people that they don't know.
Mine are all in the states at the moment, which is wonderful, but sometimes even the ones that are home need a little encouragement too.

I am hoping things change over seas. I just pray everyday.

Hugs to you all,