
Posted by: Dotsie

language - 05/30/06 06:34 PM

I have heard several women (young women) being cussed out by their boyfriends in public. I can't handle it. I so badly want to get my mouth in there, but won't due to fear.

Do you believe foul language and yelling escalates to physical abuse?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: language - 06/04/06 02:29 AM

YES with a capital Y...I have seen where verbal abuse escalates, I think because after awhile the abuser notices that the verbal abuse doesn't seem to be having the effect he wants so he gets even madder, and then becomes physical. I truly believe these abusers abuse for their victims reaction and they get off on their fear and helplessness.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: language - 06/05/06 04:42 PM

I'm afaid all the movies and shows on television show too much of this verbal abuse. Young kids have a tendency to immitate it, then they have a bad habit of verbally abusing before they are old enough to realize how wrong it is. That's why sane parents need to keep talking and informing kids of its danger. Whenever I hear people speaking angrily in public places I have to share my two cents about how wrong it is with whatever kids are with me.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: language - 06/06/06 07:30 AM

My father was verbally abusive which always includes emotional abuse. How can you verbally abuse without being emotionally abusive? He prepared me to be a victim of domestic abuse as well as if he'd opened a book and taught me. I didn't know it was wrong because it was all I had heard and there was no warning that sounded when I heard it from a man...any man.

It sends chills down my spine when I hear it in public but I don't get involved. There are too many crazy people out there. I will step in if there is a young child involved however.
Posted by: Sadie

Re: language - 06/05/06 08:06 PM

I know all about verbal abuse . It is a forum of control . My mother's cousin verbally abused my mother in the first retirment home and the dirctor would not let her come back to the home again. This cousin abused her POA . I was talking to a friend and he did not report this outside of the home . My mother was afraid of her , but not me. She still is verbally abusive . This cousin wrote me a real hate letter that I let Raven West see . I faxed it to her . My mother is dead and what does this women want from me . She filled the letter full of twiste lies . This hurts me so and still grieving over the loss of my mother

What is wrong with people ? What does this women or beast want for me. ?? Yikes !
Posted by: Dianne

Re: language - 06/06/06 01:04 AM

Renee, some people just get off on this stuff. My family is famous for hate mail. I stopped opening letters from my family years ago. I send them back, return to sender, unopened. They are poison to the spirit. It's just another way to attempt to control others. Very sick.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: language - 06/06/06 02:15 AM

Many many years ago, too many to count my father left home and married a woman with five kids and three of them had illegitimate kids also living in the home. This B-witch of a woman starting calling my mom and hanging up and then wrote my mother (*the saint) the most vile insulting letter I had ever read. My mother and father had been divorced then some 6 years but this woman still hated my mom and my dad was not allowed to have anything to do with her or us kids. My mother was devistated by this horrible grouping of slanderous words and became physically ill. I knew this shrew and my father bowled on Tuesday night so I took the letter went to the alleys and when she and he stepped out of their car, I met her with letter in hand. After a brief shouting match I told my dad to back off which he gladly did (running inside for the phone) and I made her tear up the letter and start eating her words, literally!! [Mad] I whispered to her that my mother was a saint but that I took after my crazy father and that if she ever uttered my mothers name again she would be the subject of a newspaper heading that read,
'Woman still missing, feared dead!' Once she began to choke and a crowd began to gather my girlfriend backed up the car and begged me to get in. That woman never bothered my mom again and to my knowledge never even uttered her name. Sometimes turning the other cheek as my mom would have done just doesn't cut it. [Wink] Oh and was I afraid of the police, hell no, my Uncle Rich was Chief of Detectives....He did scold me though while giving me a big hug. [Big Grin]

[ June 05, 2006, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: Sadie

Re: language - 06/06/06 05:10 AM

I will email you and thanks so much for the comment and you to Chatty .


[ June 05, 2006, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: Renee ]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: language - 06/06/06 05:53 PM

Renee, I agree with Dianne. If there is any way you can ignore these people, please do so. Don't open yourself up to their mean spirits.
Posted by: Sadie

Re: language - 06/07/06 06:03 AM

I need some closure and I will not except anymore of her nasty letters . Just send them back . This slime of a cousin even wrote my mothers best friend a nasty letter about me . My mother's friend stop responding to her letters . She told me this women is just plain hateful and crazy belongs in a mental hospital . Life will take care of her . I always said mean and hateful takes it toll on you in some forum or another .

I am just stating the facts as I know them and that is all. and I want answer all her twisted lies about me. I know the truth .

I am glad that I don't carry any hate in my heart like that . I don agree Chatty turning the other cheek does not cut it here either

Thanks all for your support
Posted by: Dianne

Re: language - 06/08/06 07:17 AM

The verse in the Bible that states, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free, applies here too. As long as you know the truth about yourself, it doesn't matter what some crazy relative says about you to anyone. They bury themselves in a very deep and dark hole when they do this and it isn't a nice place to be. They may act like they enjoy doing this but in reality, they are very unhappy people.

But, like Chatty, when someone is talking trash about a family member that I love, I can get very antagonistic. I had to do it with my ex husband who was telling people my youngest daughter wasn't his child. I sent him a letter and told him I was going to force him to take a paternity test and then, I was going to sue him for slander. I also told him he should try to sober up for once in his life. I sent him into rehab! Today, the old drunk has a brain tumor and has actually shrunk his brain from a life time of drinking.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: language - 06/08/06 05:45 AM

For me personally, I can ignore what people say about me or if they treat me mean but I have no tolerance for when anyone tries to hurt a member of my family and "whoa.look out" to anyone who dare say or do anything against my mom. I draw the line there....and draw it hard and deep.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: language - 06/09/06 10:31 PM

Dianne, I'm sorry for what your ex said about your youngest daughter, how selfish of a parent to impact their inability to function as a human being upon a child. Shame on him.

Chatty Lady, good for you! Nothing like eating you're own words to shut up an intolerant individual -- yet, somehow, me thinks that shrew still needs a mouth full of soap!

Verbal abuse is simply wrong -- no excuses.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: language - 06/11/06 06:08 AM

Mom wanted to keep a copy but when I realized how unhappy it made her I said NO! Once the B-witch ate her words, literally, it was over. As far as any restraining order...not necessary this woman was the sneaky behind your back b-witch, she'd never come at anyone face to face. Plus I scared her so bad, she wet herself...