walking in the heat

Posted by: Dotsie

walking in the heat - 08/17/07 08:37 AM

Most days I walk in the early morning, especially in the summer. However, I recall walking in the middle of the day, in the scorching heat several years ago. This is one way I can tell I'm getting older. I just won't do that now. I'm getting picky in my old age and I don't like it. I didn't get my walk in yesterday morning and really wanted to go later in the day, but it was too humid. YUK!

How about you? Have your exercise habits changed?
Posted by: Cookie

Re: walking in the heat - 08/17/07 12:56 PM

Same here, Dotsie....I walk early in the morning too. I just can't take that hot sun beaming down on me in the middle of the day anymore either. I walk as soon as it is daylight. But here lately, it has been very hot & humid in the early hours and I haven't been able to go everyday. The heat and humidity just takes my breath away on those days. The heat index has been up over 100 every day for the last couple of weeks. Yesterday it was 108. That's too hot for this gal whom is accustomed to the air-conditioning! In the fall, I walk most anytime of the day, and in the winter I walk in the afternoon.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: walking in the heat - 08/17/07 01:40 PM

Yup, me too. I used to be able to lie in the sun and tan - not any more. It's just too hot!

I love walking in the cool of the evening now.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: walking in the heat - 08/17/07 02:16 PM

I walk from the computer to the freezer and stick my head in for a bit. Does that count?
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 08/17/07 04:05 PM

Jaw Jaw, you're so funny! Seriously though, the other day I got out and trimmed our bushes in the front yard, then came and stuck my head in the freezer to cool down.

I haven't walked in a few weeks, it's just too hot and extremely humid here lately. I am soooooo ready for fall, my favorite season. I can't wait to open my windows and air out the house, I'm definitely more active in the fall.
Posted by: Anno

Re: walking in the heat - 08/17/07 06:53 PM

I tend to take two or three shorter walks each day when it is hot. Heck, I do that in the winter when it is really cold, too.

Maybe if you put your freezer up or down the stairs, you could count it a double exercise, JJ.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: walking in the heat - 08/17/07 06:58 PM

Okay, but its gonna be tuff....I'm on a slab.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: walking in the heat - 08/17/07 08:03 PM

I walk in the morning, trying to get out around 8 or 8:30, so I can be somewhat cooler. Then, in the afternoon, I walk around 5 pm. I take my dog with me as well, and carry a water bottle for him.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking in the heat - 08/17/07 10:08 PM

I walk from my bed in the morning to the bath, then from the bath to my office (in my bedroom) flip on thre computer and head for the kitchen, fix something, feed the animals, let them out (if they'll even go out in this heat, usually not) then back to the bedroom/office and SIT and work. Not much walking for me these days. Know I should, but ah, what the heck? Oh and JJ hearing that you stick your royal head into the freezer makes me think of a QUEENSICLE...
Posted by: Dee

Re: walking in the heat - 08/18/07 02:55 AM

First, it's so hot my dog won't even come out from under the house. I figure when she finally comes out, I'll come out...until then I'm staying inside.
Posted by: orchid

Re: walking in the heat - 08/18/07 05:33 AM

In the past 10 yrs., I've been gradually getting up earlier to cycle (by 7:30 am out the door. 6:00 am if it's really hot out) ..not just on workdays (out the door by 5:15 am)...but also on weekends.

It initially started because of the summer humidity when I lived in Ontario. For cyclists wanting to do fitness rides at a certain speed and including hills, most definitely humid heat is an energy-sucker. It's a great feeling to finish fitness stuff after 1-2 hrs. and still have a huge chunk of the morning and rest of day left.

Now here in Vancouver, it doesn't steam at 100% humidity. We get 75% humidity in summer, which is lovely to me. Whereas long-term West Coasters complain of "heat".

I'm not sure I could take up fitness walking in any weather. I just walk to places sometimes, because I have to ..due to lack of car and too much rain to make cycling comfortable. Walking to me is a transportation necessity, it is not really a fitness activity ...though in the end, as a secondary benefit, I do get some exercise.
Posted by: Dee

Re: walking in the heat - 08/18/07 06:14 AM

I would love to be able to ride a bike but here there are no bike trails and getting out on any of the roads is asking to be hit. Wow...you really impress me with your dedication. I wish I could get inspired again to get into something physical.
You go girl!
Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: walking in the heat - 08/18/07 12:23 PM

I walk the dogs early in the morning......first thing when I get up, before coffee or anything. Usually up and out by 6:30 a.m., no later than 7:00 a.m. Then I come back, have coffee, read the paper,check email (And BWS!) and head to the gym, most mornings (Sunday is my day off!)
I used to be able to lie out in the sun and tan and read, but I can't handle it anymore unless I'm at the beach where there's a decent breeze.
We sold our summer home in upstate NY last summer, so this is my first summer in Florida in 20 years, and the heat has really been getting to me the last couple of weeks........really looking forward to the weather cooling down, it can't happen soon enough for me!
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 08/18/07 03:27 PM

Hey Crosstitch, you live in a really not part of the state.
Right in the middle, no ocean breezes, central Florida can get really hot. I have a sister in Orlando, I'm down there quite a bit. I live in Jax, 12 miles from the beach, so we actually do get a good breeze most days, even this far inland, (except this has been one of those exceptionally hot summers) but you cross the river into the west side of town and it will be 10 degrees hotter in the summer.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: walking in the heat - 08/18/07 03:41 PM

It's been scorching hot here since mid-June, but this morning we woke up to autumn temps! It was so cold that all my flowers just tucked themselves into each other to keep warm!

It's warming up, but still there's a definite northern nippiness in the air...a good day for gardening and doing all the other outside chores it's been too hot to do all summer.
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 08/18/07 07:47 PM

Eagle, could you send some of that cool air down here?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 08/19/07 01:06 PM

Thanks Eagle. It arrived yesterday morning. I turned off the air and opened the windows. What a difference it makes. I feel connected to the outdoors again.
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 08/21/07 09:44 PM

Dotsie, I'm jealous! This heat is sucking the life out of me.
We are in the middle of another hot dry spell, but they are saying we may get some relief in the way of rain this weekend, we really need it. My flowers are looking really sad.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: walking in the heat - 08/22/07 02:01 AM

Dotsie, to answer your question, I'd say that I am more sensitive to climate changes. Hotter is hotter, colder is colder. And I can't take humidity. I was in Florida over the 4th of July, and I thought the humidity was worse than the heat. Here in Colorado at 8 pm it is 81 degrees and 42 percent humidity, a perfect time to walk. It's sunny about 300 days a year here, and I don't like the sun on my head anymore. Do you know that walking in high heat and humidity can actually cause migraines and high blood pressure? Best to follow JJ's routine.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 08/22/07 03:22 PM

Living in Baltimore, one must get use to the humidity, or you'd never go out. When the humidity is low, it's such a treat. Lynn, your weather sounds gorgeous.
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking in the heat - 08/22/07 03:49 PM

It's been so terribly hot and humid this summer that I have been forced to do my walking on the treadmill in my basement...not much difference between summer and winter now...I can't tolerate extremes of any kind as I age...my husband suggested we should think about a move to San Francisco where the climate is moderate and extremes are rare...somehow I doubt that he means it...it's his way of telling me to stop complaining and to just suck it up I guess...:)
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: walking in the heat - 08/22/07 05:40 PM

Its so nice to have your voice in here again! Wuhoooo! Welcome home gal! JJ
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: walking in the heat - 08/22/07 06:05 PM

(((((HUG))))))...it's good to be back here Georgia...I missed you...by the way ...loved the picture of you and your Mom and sisters on the beach...can't wait until you write the whole story...:)
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: walking in the heat - 08/22/07 06:30 PM

Back at ya hun...Don't know if I'll get to. One of my sisters said, "What happened in Panama City, stays in..." bla..bla. But then again, she doesn't remember I have her diary from high school...
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 08/22/07 07:45 PM

Jaw Jaw, you are such a hoot!

My husband and I walked Monday evening, it actually wasn't too bad once the sun was low, around 8:00, we actually got in about 2 miles. We were going to go again last night, I finished the dishes and found him asleep when I finished at 7:30. Then I got a phone call from a friend that lasted until long after dark. So, maybe tonight?
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: walking in the heat - 08/23/07 02:39 AM

Yes, Dotsie, the weather here is the best I ever experienced. I lived in Southern California (Laguna Beach) for several years, and that was great weather too. No complaints there, either. Hmmm, and no snow. there in lies the trouble in Colorado: Blizzards! But, what else would we expect? To live near the ocean or in the mountains, which would I prefer? I'm glad to have experienced both!
Posted by: Lola

Re: walking in the heat - 08/23/07 06:29 AM

Heat? We have not had much of that here. Rain, rain and more rain. Walking? I have not done much of that either since I hurt my ankle in a train derailment weeks ago. I thought it was better until last week when I tried to get back on heels for work. Back to straps again and flats and not much walking. So, this hop-a-long will walk again when the ankle heals completely.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: walking in the heat - 08/23/07 07:29 AM

Eeeyow, Lola, a derailed train! Guess you were lucky that you just hurt your ankle.

When the baby sleeps, I try to play a round of golf (9 holes). In the evening Hubby plays whle I watch grandbaby, so I get about 3 miles walking in that way.

Birthing coach: "All you mommies-to-be should know that walking while you’re pregnant is very beneficial. And you husbands, it wouldn’t hurt you to take the time to go walking with your partners."

One husband: "Is it OK if she carries a golf bag?"

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 08/23/07 02:26 PM

Hannelore, good for you. How's the golf game? Do you beat your hubby? In golf, that is...

This is the fifth day the sun hasn't been around. I feel like I need toothpicks for my eyes. When we walked this morning, there was a little mist and a major haze! Come on Mr Sun. I bet Emy's feeling it too.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking in the heat - 09/02/07 07:30 PM

Testing, so weird.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 09/09/07 01:35 PM

I skipped a week of walking. We were visiting our son in Florida Saturday - Wednesday and I was a lazy bum. It was fun to be lazy.

But - yesterday I walked with one of my fast walking friends and after not walking for one week, I had to stop on a hill to catch my breath. See what missing exercise for one lousy week will do to you? We walked for an hour and 20 minutes. We had lots to catch up on.

Anyone still walking.
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 09/09/07 04:00 PM

I am so mad at myself because I haven't done much walking lately. My husband and I went out a couple times last week, because the evenings are finally getting more comfortable here. I do appreciate the fact that he is getting out there with me occasionally, it's nice to have that time together, but even when I am on a leisurely walk, I tend to catch myself walking faster and faster and he's saying, "hey hon, could you slow down, I'm not up for a power walk." I miss living next door to my friend Maggie, we used walk together and encourage each other, we both lost weight, and it had her diabetes under control.
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 09/12/07 02:14 PM

I'm walking again. I had to do something, I went back to my old job at a karate school here and couldn't get into any of my pants! I was so mad at myself for the 20 pounds I have put on over recent months. Not to mention, I have never had high blood pressure and now it's running borderline. So, since I'm up before the sun now anyway getting my daughter off to school, after she leaves, instead of taking that extra 30 minutes and drinking another cup of tea, I go for a good power walk, I started Monday and it felt really good.
My boss at the karate school, Sensei Pierce who is also a very good friend wants me to start Tai Chi, says I would definitely benefit, I'm always wound so tight. I watched part of a class the other night, looks very relaxing. I did try karate for a short time a while back, but I have back problems, a bad shoulder, just too much for me. His classes are VERY intense, not just karate, but total conditioning. But I do want a refresher course in self defense.
Posted by: Cookie

Re: walking in the heat - 09/12/07 07:32 PM

Walking this morning was wonderful & invigorating! It was crisp and cool. Temps fall into the 50's last night.......ahhhh, delightful!
Posted by: Saundra

Re: walking in the heat - 09/13/07 04:33 PM

I don't go walking since I was hurt in the elevator. But I do work outside, in Florida, and use the stairs as often as possible for exercise. I have to walk 3 flight of stairs to get up to our resort and I do it several times a day. I drink water all day and night.

Last year was the hottest summer on record. This year the heat began a month early. This August was the hottest, driest August ever. I keep track of this stuff cuz I work outside and I need to know it's not just my age (or my mind).

I am vindicated by weather reports monthly.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 09/14/07 12:44 AM

Saundra, I don't know how you stay in the heat all day. I bet a nice cool shower feels good when you get home.

gerrbeck, congrats on getting back out there. The weather in MD this time of year is great for walking. My walking partner called this mroning to cancel. She quietly whispered into the phome that she didn't sleep well and needed to catch a few more winks. Determined, I hooked the Ipod to my arm and took off alone. I only hook the ear piece in one ear so I can hear people sneaking up on me.

What do you do at the karate school? Our boys took karate when they were young. The oldest was on the demo team and performed in front of crowds and stuff. He also helped teach. He stopped at brown due to other school sports.

Anne, your life sounds so laid back. How cool is that?
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 09/17/07 11:40 AM

Been away for a bit, so busy being back at work, etc. Dotsie, I do a little bit of everything at the school, I help with the after school program, work the front desk, help with billing, clerical work.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 09/17/07 01:48 PM

I bet it's a fun place to work. The people at my kid's akrate school were so kid focused. It was neat.
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 09/24/07 11:52 PM

Been away again working a lot. Had a few minutes to kill tonight. Dotsie, it is a fun place to work. Did I mention that we are a Christian karate school, that makes it even better. Classes are started by bowing in to The Ten Commandments and the students have Bible requirements, along with their other requirements to promote to each new belt. We are definitely very kid friendly, family oriented.
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 09/25/07 12:11 AM

I really have to get back to walking tomorrow. Last week I was not able to walk due to the fact that it was raining every morning last week. I had planned to walk this morning, but last night I had to take my husband to the ER at midnight and we didn't get home until 5:30 this evening. I can't believe I am still awake a little after 8:00 right now. Just waiting on my daughter to get home at 9:00 then going to bed, will get up early and walk.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: walking in the heat - 09/25/07 09:23 AM

What on earth did you have to take your husband to the ER for? I hope he is all right.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 09/26/07 04:17 PM

gerrbeck, hope your husband is okay.

I've never heard of a Christian karate shool. That's interesting. Is it affiliated with a church?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 09/26/07 04:17 PM

Oh, I keep walking and gaining weight. I've about had it!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: walking in the heat - 09/26/07 09:18 PM

Anne I can remember how you once mentioned that you can't do any physical work anymore. Have you ever considered working as a social companion for the elderly?
I heard good nannies get over $100 000,- /yr. in Hollywood.
I wonder if that is true. And all these rich people have parents too. I bet they would pay big bucks for them as well. Just a thought.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: walking in the heat - 09/29/07 12:07 PM

HAnnelore, that might be so in Hollywood, but unfortunately, in most of the states it is not a very high paying job. Most of these caregivers work for agencies and once the agency gets their share, the caregiver gets very little. It's sad, and it's going to get worse as the boomers climb the ladder of years.
Posted by: gerrbeck

Re: walking in the heat - 09/30/07 01:20 AM

Hi ladies! I am so busy during the week now with work that I don't get time to check in as often as I'd like. I haven't been able to walk all week and I'm not liking that.

About my husband, I took him to the ER for chest and abdominal pain that had been progressively getting worse over a couple of weeks, (he didn't tell me until it became severe)along with other things, nausea and a couple of other things I'd rather not mention. He thought it was all related again to the complications from when he broke his ribs, he had to have blood drained from his chest twice. Anyway, they did x-rays, MRI, CT Scan, EKG, Echocardiogram, checked gall bladder, kidneys, bloodwork, chemical stress test, etc. Did not find anything. They said the ribs were healing fine, no fluid in his chest cavity, everything seemed normal. The only bad thing was his blood pressure which of course was high. After I had a talk with the doctor, they really felt like he is suffering from stress, depression and anxiety. Since he lost his job, he has sank into a deep depression, he doesn't do much of anything, once in a while a good day, but most are spent sleeping - A LOT. Going to be a difficult road ahead. Then he had a bad reaction Thursday night to the klonidin (anti-anxiety drug) they prescribed him, it was scary!

Dotsie, about the karate school, there are a lot of christian karate schools around, it's a wonderful ministry. We are part of a tournament circuit called Black Belts for Christ, if you get a chance, check out their site, Blackbeltsforchrist.com. Not only do we have competitions, but usually there is a demo team that does an incredible and very inspirational performance their Sensei choreographed to tell the story of how she came to know Christ and how we have to fight off demons and temptations every day. The first time I saw it, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

On another note, back to walking, you mentioned all the walking and not losing any weight, I know exactly what you mean. I don't know if it's a mid life thing, but I was eating better, walking and at the karate school, I am on my feet most of the time, always on the move, it's like I'm stuck at this weight and it aggravates me.