Ohmygosh, yes, the baby birds bring their buddies. Not only friends, but the older sisters have been coming by too. They say "Hi" to me, then troop downstairs to hang out with their sis. It's nice that they get along, but oh the mess they leave. New Year's Eve, we had daughters #2 & #3, #2's husband, #3's best friend, and #2's best friend and HER husband. Considering we didn't know we were having ANY guests until about 7 pm, this was interesting. However, they provided their own food and (kinda) cleaned it up.

My daughter goes back to school this weekend too. I hope she has a better semester next time, this one was a challenge. She was sick with colds half the time, but won't have marching band to contend with now, just concert band - that may help. She goes to school in the mountains and it's COLD.

She's only 90 minutes from home or was - since a rockslide obliterated half the road, she has to take the other route - now two hours from home.
My website http://www.carolynagosta.com