Hanalore...I know what you mean.

Mrs Madness...I lived in Europe for 20 years to stay away from my own family...when I returned I found the same weirdness going on. I still try to stay away from them. Sometimes I doubt if China would have been far enough away but you made me chuckle.

Dianne being kind at this point isn't the answer. This woman is dangerous, all the family knows it and that's why they requested 3 years ago that she refrain from coming to my husband's side of the family functions. She got angry with this and did something really unforgivable in my book. She started spreading the rumor that my husband had molested his daughter when she was very young. When it finally got back to me and my husband all hell broke loose. She was confronted and instead of admitting that she'd started the sick rumor, she blamed it on her very own daughter-in-law...the one I'm having the baby shower for. We knew that was a lie as well. Her DIL went balistic when she found her her MIL was now accusing her of the rumor. (That's what we don't get....why is the DIL now so willing to be so close to the woman who tried to accuse her of this ugly rumor?) What DECENT person can go to their daughter and tell them that their father molested them knowing it is a lie? Can you imagine what that must have done to her daughter? This woman is dangerous and evil and will do anything (she's proven that) to hurt people when she does not get her way. Now maybe you can understand why I do not want this woman anywhere near my home nor my husband and why the rest of the family refuses to be anywhere near her.
My husband and I talked this morning and we've both decided that we're done doing things for his DIL and son. Everytime we go out of our way to do something really special for them they find a way to muck up the waters. My husband is going to talk to his DIL about this sometime today and try to get her to understand that he does not want his ex here at our home and if she doesn't want to accept that then we are cancelling her part of the baby shower. At least I still have time to cancel the cake.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards