What a great topic Jane. It's so rich with honesty.

I know some of you may think I'm a Jesus freak, but it works for me so I won't apologize.I draw my self-confidence from the Lord, and by being in the Word on almost a daily basis. When I read His words about all He wants for me and how good I am in His sight, I believe it and it gives me tremendous confidence.

However, I must share that there are a few days a month that I doubt, and that's when I'm running out of estrogen. Go figure.

So much of the self-esteem factor at midlife has to do with a couple things. One is that we have lived long enough not to care what others think, like orchid stated. That helps. We are shedding the words that have damaged us from our pasts and learning that life is all about change and change can be a good thing.

However ladies, please don't forget to take into account the estrogen issue and the perimenopause and menopause issues. These things can get us feeling down and there's help for that if needed.

I was speaking with a woman last week who has been feeling down for 5-6 years and never took into account that it could be hormonal. I couldn't believe my ears.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.