When I started this thread my husband kinda thought it was amusing that I was going to have to serve jury duty......kind of like a glad it's you and not me attitude. Well guess what arrived in the mail for him yesterday -- a questionaire he's supposed to fill out which can put him on the list to be called for jury duty any time in the next two years. The form he got is totally different than what I got.........mine had definite dates (a 6 weeks period) during which I could be called. His is just a general questionaire but says you can be called anytime in the next two years. He's going to fill it out and mail it,but he's going to call first - he's in a wheelchair and the jury room (at the trial I was on the jury for, anyway) was not accessible and there's no way he'd be able to get around in it. He served jury duty locally a few years ago (here in our town, not in Orlando) and he called first and was told no problem, it was accessible.......then got selected for jury duty and they couldn't get him into the jury box and he had to sit in front of it seperate from all the other jurors.......not a big deal, but wouldn't you think they'd think of these things ahead of time?!?