Hi ladies,

Sorry it took me a long time to get back. I've had another thing to deal with, and it was a matter of setting the priority for that.

My dad's C-scan came back last week and his tumor is staring to grow again. We were hoping to hear that the tumor stayed the way it was, or even better, the tumor shrunk even more. I am at thier house for the weekend and I took a day and half off work. I've been here since Thursday evening and I am leaving tomorrow back to Chesapeake. My dad had to have chemotherapy again, but this time it isn't as aggressive as before and he seems to be doing well right now. We'll see, he had the treatment yesterday.

To answer your question Dotsie, and it is a good question. She's known Sofia since April, and Sofia has watched the children for her prior to that. Besides, the oldest child is 10 or 11 years old. That's about 3 months they've known each other.

As for what to do. She is going to visit my parent's next weekend. They are going to make an effort to talk to her. We are all going to make sure we tell her, we are not going to bail her out anymore should she find herself in a tough situation. I've already bailed her out a couple of times and she just cannot expect that anymore. She will continue to go the way she is going unless she finds out just how tough things could be for herself.

I can't worry about this as much anymore. This has been consuming me every hour of every day for the past few months. I need some rest and I need to take a break now. I just have to leave this totally in God's Hands.

Thanks everyone for helping me.

I love you all alot!
