
the entire life of that dresser flashed before my eyes...how it had sat in my oldest brother's bedroom when he was born over 55 years ago, holding his diapers and baby clothes, how it had moved from house to house with us, moving out of the family home and into Mom's new apartment after Dad died, then moving into Gary's apartment when Mom died, and finally moving into our house after Gary died...and it will eventually move into my oldest brother's daughter's house when she marries and settles in with her own firstborn.

I was overcome with just how short and fragile life really is, how so much of what that dresser saw and lived for is now gone - most of my family is gone and what's left is scarred and damaged almost beyond repair.

That's beautiful and moving and sad and wonderful--and you're right. The dresser belongs, it is part of the legacy of the family, it is worth saving. That you saw the connections between the passage of time and life in your family and the dresser that has been a stoic silent witness to generations come and gone--is a gift. Living poetry. Your eyes see what other people miss.

Keep the dresser dear. It matters. Someone else will come along behind you and see what a witness and treasure it is. They will thank you for saving it.

Beautiful, sad, poignant, deeply meaningful moments like that come along infrequently our lives. You will remember it and pass it on.

Thanks for sharing that. Thanks.