On my desk...
a timer (so I can see how much I'm wasting)
a photomosaic book of Van Gogh's head swirling into a vase of sunflowers,
a couple of unpaid bills
Atkins bar
Dove dark chocolate
a quote that reads, "Trust, Wait, Anticipate"
5 copies of my book, Mothering Mother that was supposed to be mailed three days ago
two pairs of dollar store glasses,
sun screen
Revlon Outlast lipstick that I just love--in coral
a glass vase my daughter blew for me
THE funniest birthday card I have EVER received in my LIFE!
a prayer stone from Big Sur in California
(this was fun)
~Carol O'Dell
Hello~I'm Carol D. O'Dell, author of Mothering Mother: A Daughter's Humorous and Heartbreaking Memoir. I write and speak and teach about caregiving, inspiration, creativity, spirituality, writing, marketing, and humor.