OK Ladies,

My turn to whine. I am feeling awful. I miss my Nichole. "Miss" is just such a stupid word, when it means, I'll see you in a few months, or a year, or something. I will never stroke her beautiful hair, kiss her pretty lips, give her a backrub , (or she me), make sure that she has pretty clothes and makeup. I will never be able again to champion her cause for her alone. I loved her more than life itself - except of course for my son - I want her back. Troubles and all.......I just want her. I know I'm being selfish - Nichole is happier where she is, her life on earth was so filled with pain - emotional and physical- it makes me angry that I could not ever fix this problem......I'm a "fixer" by heart, you know....But as close as we got, we were not able to "fix" our girl. Keep us in your prayers, we need it....
