My camera has done the same for me as geocaching has done for you. I have so many funny or unusual pictures just because I tend to see odd things and want to capture them. (Unusual license plates and signs are one of my "things." For some reasons I have noticed people like those vanity plates and some of them make me laugh a lot. There is one Ohio tag I see all the time around here that proudly states he is a FL GRAD. Now, that's pretty bold near any buckeye lol.)

I've lived somewhere in Ohio all my life, but have always had the roaming itch. Like you I've found lots of interesting places right close to home. Managed to travel through most of the US thanks to a former employer lol and that hasn't helped me much. I'd love to buy a much better camera but it's not possible right now..I'm waiting to see if one of my daughters who is a photography major will sell off any of her equipment as she gets more settled and finds a better job. I would consider buying her old stuff from her, heck...the kids today have some of the coolest toys anyway and I don't need the latest and greatest just for hobby stuff.