[i] Anno, Mountain Ash, let me try to explain.
And to you, Eagle Heart, you are very welcome. Someone I care about very much can go into a funk and not come out until it is worked out inside himself instead of talking about what is bothering him or even mentioning "I am worried about __________, is an example of what happens. I needed to understand why this happened and you explained to me that some people work through things this way. I do not, I will say what is worrying me, or what is making me sad and talk about it or say I don't want to talk about it but I'll be okay. I just worry when the mood happened until you explained to me how it works inside. I understand now and it's ok.
Me? I am the least moody person you will ever meet. I have had 15 years of therapy with a psychiatrist, not a therapist, a doctorate so I am aware of how I feel most of the time. I also know why I feel what I feel.
The rest of me, you must remember, is a highly trained performer who did NOTHING else but perform and study dance for her whole life and whom is taught NOT to show emotion and to hold my face just so, not to move my features and not to betray what I am feeling or thinking to people.
So, if I can't handle something, I immediately deal with it somehow. I either take action, talk to someone, or accept what I cannot change.
I am, if you were around me, what has been called "very kind and composed," by professionals and at home I am the calmest person you can imagine. I don't shout, I don't fight, I consider fights a waste of time, a collosal waste of time!
If I have a disagreement, I talk it out, or change how I AM or what I DO to fix it for ME if I can't work it out.

I have been told by a shrink from Mt. Sinai in New York that I am the most complex person he had ever met.

I am strange, but it works for me and it's me so it's okay with me, and I seem to have a lot of friends so I guess it's okay to be how I am.

Dancer, explaining herself and flattered that anyone cares what I feel or think!!

"Question your privilege"