I just read through all of this thread and it's so very interesting. Seems like most of the moods that have been discussed are negative moods. What about the positive ones? To me, a moody person is one who bounces around. Does that make sense - good moods to bad mood to sulky, to happy, etc.

gims, I like your question and I get what you're saying. It's quite possible that you're on to something. I think some of the modd issues have to do with living in the moment. Would anyone agree?

Something that hasn't been mentioned (and I can't believe it) is peri-menopause and menopause as mood alterers. This is definitely true in my case. In fact, I'm on the pill for peri-menopausal symptoms, one of which was moodiness, and it's worked wonders. However, this past month, I'm using the generic drug for my pill and I'm wondering if I'm more moody because it's not the same as the real drug. I think it's possilbe. It could also have to do with the kids moving out and away. Who knows? BUt if anyone's keeping track of who's moody and who isn't count me in as a moody one. And let me tell you - my emotions are out there. I can be read like a book. I address my moods immedaitely and try to manage them accordingly - for what all of this is worth...

dancer, this has turned into a great topic. I know what you meant by your original post. Sometimes you can be with someone you love and they just aren't themselves, but won't share why. I chalk it up to being a part of life. Not everyone can express themselves as well as others, and/or aren't able to share their why, regardless of how close they may be to us. I find it hard to understand becasue I'm so out with my thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. But, we are all so very different, and like Mom always said, "That's what makes the world go 'round."
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.