Hmmmm -- you mean like the stereo that was in Roberts room and hadn't been used in almost a year going off at exactly midnight on my husbands birthday? (Rob always wanted to be the first to say happy birthday, merry christmas, etc etc)

or on Rob's first birthday after passing - Travis and Ashley (my other son and his wife and Robs best friend) came over to the house and we were standing in the kitchen talking about him when I looked over at the china cabinet and saw that all the doors were standing wide open -- thing is -- I've had that china cabinet since I was a little girl and 2 of the doors are stuck shut -- you would have to take a screwdriver or something like that to pry them open and another of the doors cant be opened because the key broke off in it -- well -- there they were -- wide open !!

I can go on and on ---

How about you almostangel ????