It is good to know that I am not alone in my personal beliefs of spirits. My DIL's father passed on six years ago and everyday for weeks all the lights began to go on and off and the stereo in Jason, my grandsons room would begin to play and only the classical station which her dad loved. We would all go to dinner and when we came home the stereo and the lights were on and were not on when we left. My DIL said she felt a sort of chill like something passing through her whenever she went into his old room. Then one day it just stopped after they moved. My DIL was certain her dad was trapped in that house. It has since been torn down for a new off ramp....Have either of you heard of or watched Char Margolis the Psychic? She is incredible!

[ April 29, 2006, 06:19 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]