I have not. Is she on television? Do you know what station she is on? I went to a psychic fair here in Kansas City a few years ago. My son told me that the police dept will sometimes use this lady called Joyce to help unsolved crimes. I wanted to see if she was there and if I could meet with her. He didn't know what she looked like or her last name. I had my doubts that I would find her because it's not like they wear name tags. lol I was standing in line to have my aura picture taken when this lady in her late 50's came up and touched my arm and asked me if she could talk with me. Well, I have complete strangers come up to me all the time so I didn't think anything of it. I told her yes, did she need some help with something or did she need me to call someone for her? She said "No, I just feel that I am connected to you in some way, have we met before?" I told her that I didn't think so and asked her name. You guessed it! It was Joyce.
She told me some very profound things about my history. I asked her if I could pay her for the reading and she told me that she wasn't there to give readings. She came in to drop off some information on a case and was leaving when she saw me.How wierd is that?