I know most of us have been through something in our lives...that has changed the course of our life forever.

These life changing events can be deaths, or births, or accidents, or health issues, or relationship issues.

The other day, I just had that realization...

That my life will never be the same again.

It is a very sobering thought.

My friends tell me that my life is going to be better (how do THEY know, do they have a magic ball? LOL)....

I'm at the point now - where I'm just moving forward with what lays ahead for me. Just trusting God to bless my life...AND make it better then ever.

I'm still not sharing specifics - it is family issues for me...but it remains a mountain that I am climbing blindly - believing I will make it to the top with grace, joy, strength, and a new perspective on life.

I HAVE gathered strength from many of you who have climbed mountains and made it to the top! Thank you for sharing your lives! It is just precious. I look forward to the day, where my story will bless, uplift, and give hope to another struggling women.

hugs to y'all!
