wow dotsie what an exilent example of making positive changes for yourself both in doing and in attitude jumping on bandwagon.

since iv stopped doing and fixing lifes a lot easier lol and i try my hardest not to get boggeed dowen with the complaining and keeping it positive BUt (i hope) not just dismissing peoples problems. If i at a frrends i wipe my feet on the way out, i just leave their problems with them and no not give them someplace to live in my mind.

i am happier and thier just the same smile

exilent that your sister picked up your dad dutises (oganising but asking for help) thats a great model to work from with everyone sharring taskes.

i bet its unusule it ends that way as people get confused with stuff sometimes, well i do anyway.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn