homopyhobia is homophobia and its all the same nonsense right?

i walk or answere back their ways and means so i don't let it into my life much, sure misunderstanding or stuff needing sorted becouse of diffrent cultures one thing.

homophobia for just homophobia another thing.

Iv a good frend female and we been very good frends since 2 or 3 years. Anyway they meet a man, and he moved in lol. within a week! not best in my view but it happens. They been together for about 6 mounths and for last 2 mounths he incressingly getting on to her about me being gay, and if she doing anything lol and time we spend together...sillie as we just mummies together and mates.

This sillie view, it comes from type of misconstrued idea that us lot would have sex with and especiallie straight women, as if thir irrisastiable becouse thir straight! honestlie, that itself is laughable from my point of view but its an attitude out their nevertheless.

we don't even flurt and its all mummie talk, school, kids, periods the normale girlie stuff and iv been supportive of their relashionship and appeal to my mate to be understanding of him generallie.

i don't even understand it any more, as she talked to him till she blue in the face. It sounds like full blowen insecurite and jelousie.

Anyway you may not be gay lol but you got your hubbies and know how they think.
can ya shead any light on this?

something more global or, even how you prosead with an insecure and jelouse man who's prettie possesive. She still wants relashionship to continue despite his strange ways, thinks she hanging in their hopeing he get used to stuff or calm dowen and this is spacific (ghomophobia) and not just his general way with her in world.

Any ideas?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn