Originally Posted By: DJ
It strikes me that my kids never ask me about me.

So today he was back, and I took him to lunch and was telling him about how I'm making travel plans for next fall and who knows, maybe I'll even visit him. He said "where will that be?" Ha! see how he tried to talk about himself again! So I said, I'm not going there. We're talking about ME now.

My siblings are equally uncurious about me. Sometimes they act like I've been frozen in time.

I don't know how often you see some of your siblings or contact them. We do trot out the conversation opener: "How are things or what's up with you these days?" Even when I lived in the same city as sibs for a number of years. I was only in contact (phone, visiting) with any sibling every 2-3 weeks. Which works in our family.

Last 8 yrs. I've been living in a different province of the Canada, so yes, we do ask about each other. Contact with any sibling averages out to be once a month. And generally speaking, we get along fine with some imperfections.

My partner's adult children rarely ask about him. I just asked him now. Yes, I think this is abit selfish of them. They are after all, 31 & 29. Not that young. But they are behaving as if they are still living 20 years ago with a parent.

Even if a parent gives a predictable answer, it's still nice for an adult child to ask of the parent about their lives.

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)