Yup, it's the kids who suffer when their parents make poor choices. If only our social agencies could MAKE the 3 adults in this situation work for their benefits, especially since our nusing homes and hospitals are so very understaffed and could use the help....I opt for a reform whereby able-bodied young adults who are allowed to get free housing, free food, and free medical care, be trained to do road work, hospital work, daycare, and any other type of work which can teach them self-sufficiency so they can serve those who are making their freeloading lives possible.

Let me add that any government or company employee who steals in any way from the taxpayers, be fined heavily with mandatory jail time if the situation is serious enough.

Yes, I do know some doctors who will not accept government cards or if they do, they charge the government inflated fees. And I know A LOT of people who over the years have learned they can get service faster if they go straight to the ER, simply because their doctor does not work 24/7.

One really great OB-GYN doc I know said he was giving up his practice because his malpractice costs were through the roof. He said some people are so sue-happy nowadays and greedy lawyers are too glad to sue for a gazillion dollars if the baby was born with a forcep mark on his head. Sometimes forcing the baby out saved the baby's life but no matter. "Lottery fever" seems to rule when some think you can make money from an insurance company. After all, it's not like suing a real person, right? lol

I swear, sometimes I think I could write a book on all the corruption in companies, from individuals, and from government I've seen in almost 60 years of living.

And one answer to changing this current dynamic is so simple: re-teach important values starting in utero. lol Seriously. Mommy-to-be-experts advocate playing tapes near your pregnant tummy to make your kids smarter before they are born. Why not make some of those tapes about being honest, respecting your elders, working hard, studying diligently, treating your fellow man as you yourself would want to be treated, etc.
Josie smile