Orchid wrote: "Kinda of like a happy band that tried to play in tune but alot of voices and musical pieces popping out all over the place from everyone's instruments. At least the band is playing. It's not the symphony, but it is real soulful presence." As a former flower child, this reminds me of Jerry Garcia and The Grateful Dead from the days of the album American Beauty. At concerts, they never played the same song the same way, and the fans never knew what to expect. About the baby boom, my step-father is British and served both British Army & American Army. He says of the baby-boom in England and Australia. I'm interested in Scotland, Mountain Ash, I'm just mad I can't visit you there. One of the things I'd like to know of other countries is the level of interest in celebrities. Here it is celebrity driven society. As for sharing on BWS, here is where I learned how to share beyond the minutia of my day, into deeper levels of life. The virtual sharing and supportive responses, and then others sharing, empowered me to go forth in the real world. I learned to be open here, on this forum. OK, enough of me, me, me

Edited by Princess Lenora (12/10/09 05:13 PM)