He thx for the good wishes English and in German. (Yes, he knows that phrase well.)

The guy who hit him, phoned him just now. He offered to pay for dearie's chipped helmet.

Apparently by coincidence there was an ambulance sitting near by, probably resting or on its way somewhere. So it was able respond to get dearie down to the hospital.

It is the Olympics after all, so one expects some more on the road in the downtown area anyway. (All the downtown hospitals had to ensure they had elective surgeries postponed so that they could deal with sudden influx of injuries from visitors, athletes. The athletes have been well looked after by high tech temp. medical facilities near some major venues and at Olympic athletes' village.) There Olympic special car lanes for buses, amulances and firetrucks which are used.

So at this time, dr. has told him to stay off bike for 1 wk.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)