Hi Anne,
I am so glad I inspired you. I am actually having fun discovering alternatives to the foods I used to eat. I am totally into the organic thing, buying food from local farmers. Now I eat food for health, not recreation :-)

Also, we all know it....when you exercise you feel better so why do we fall into the trap of not going? For me it's a health thing. If I don't work out I get so stiff I can't walk. There are many nights I really don't feel like it and go anyway. And of course when I get home I'm glad I went. The YMCA is great. I have no time to get bored as they have so many classes, yoga, pilates, fitness in the pool along with all the equipment. The thing that keeps me going is mixing it up, not always doing the same thing. I have been to other gyms and didn't like them so it's great that this works for me and keeps me motivated. Also, many times my kids come with me which is nice.

The cute guy was fun at the moment but it's now getting old. I think he has issues and I laugh at myself because I found the attention flattering. It was at the time but when someone keeps staring at you and smiling it gives you the creeps after while :-)

I just ignore him now. This is my fourth month and that is another thing. If you go all the time, at least 5 x a week for a few months it becomes a habit.


(read a great article at the gym on living with Fybromyalgia. What foods to eat, allergies to some food that cause symptoms. Also it said to have acupuncture as it helps with the pain, TAKE supplements, get enough sleep and EXERCISE!