"For poppies are for memory
Flitting in and out of thinking
So when I see a flash of red
A silver bauble..hear an Irish voice

Through all my time here
I will hold Poppie..for a moment" MountainAsh

Celtic, I didnīt know Poppie intimately..but she brought light and laughter to my life when she sometimes commented on my posts here..mostly about music or maybe supporting/encouraging me in some way..she had youth and zest.. and I will miss her.

The news of her death..which reached me last Sunday evening..stopped me in my tracks completely. I was good for nothing the rest of that evening and the next day..

Thank you, MountainAsh, for being there so that I could write to you and try to understand..

Thank you, Celtic for stopping by here to write about what happened and also telling us a bit about her life of late.

My thoughts and love go out to all of you..I am so sorry..and so sad..but when I think of Poppie herself, I smile..because that is what she brought to me when we connected here and on facebook now and again..

Love, Humlan
"some sacred place.."