There must be similar caramel spreads in the US...I discovered this one on our travels through Quebec a few years ago. We were having breakfast in the motel restaurant and my egg came with runny yellows, which normally I cannot eat (my eggs have to be well cooked, and I usually order them scrambled to make sure they're not runny). Anyway, we were catching a ferry and I didn't have time to send the eggs back, so I decided to eat them anyway. Buttered my toast, then saw this caramel spread on the table, spread it on my toast and then used it to sop up all that yellow stuff - and it was delicious! We've been buying that caramel spread ever since. What I like about that brand as compared to others is that it's not as sickly sweet...hard to explain, but it's a softer sweetness. If that makes sense.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)