I am sending a poem of mine to show that although I posted about Robert Burns I am a modern (well you all know how old!!) woman who refused the stereotype
of a kilted Scot.
Despite being small Scotland has send explorers and was in the forefront of education and medicine.Born locally Andrew Carnegie was a poor weavers son who became wealthy in the US. again locally the inventor of Beta Bolockers Dr Black is a hero..and in my time.
Enjoy the humour of my poem...all references will be explained if you want to know more.
I am of course refering to the circular letter that sent Scots from their homes to the cities to Canada US and Australia so that sheep could take over the crofts
.A time of great mourning for many (To this day)

I am a woman from Edinburgh
I have no plaid
I have no pibroch
My name is not Fiona

My home does not look
Like a shortbread tin
I do not keep cooked porridge
In a table drawer

I do not have the monarch
Of the glen
Above my fireplace
I have no chimney anyway

Had I been born earlier
I may have gutted fish
Picked blue flax
Up to my knees in water

I would not have worn tartan
I am a lowlander

No one in my family
can play the bagpipes.

I adore the landscape of Scotland
and weep for those who were
pushed from their own back door
by a circular letter