Hi Chatty - while, on face value, the list appears to be a good one, there are some other points well worth considering.

*the first being...moderation in everything.

foods that cause stress:

*low fat frozen yoghurt also comes in no/low sugar.

*raw sugar is better than white, processed sugar.

*unfiltered molasses is best of all especially when bought direct.

*egg yolks - research shows that free range or pasture raised hens do not lay eggs with the same levels of cholesterol or fat as do containment raised hens. in the grocery store, buy brown eggs or, better yet, find a farmer's market and buy brown eggs direct.

*chicken sausage can be most excellent...again, find a local source which we have. the chicken, feta and sundried tomato sausage is deeeevine!

*red meat - same rules don't apply to free range meat compared to containment or feed lot meat. free range has less cholesterol, if bought direct from the farmer can be bought w/no preservatives, antiobiotics, vaccinations, etc. in the bloodstream.

foods that fight stress:

*recent studies indicate that any/all types of shellfish have high levels of contaminates which are then transferred to the consumer. -just heard this on radio yesterday- the ocean bottom eaters will have abnormal levels of heavy metals and red tide thus being an early indicator of how the ocean is doing.

*any time beans and rice are paired together the result is a complete protein...low fat and extremely healthful.

*fruit preserves - watch the preservatives and sugar levels.

*veggie burgers if grilled not fried but they still don't take the place of an excellent home made cow burger with blue cheese filling!

Sandra for whom eating well is a lifestyle. -ggg-Y'all should taste my birdseed bread!