I agree! Education is the key. And you're right, Mammajude, that even with education and compliance the mood and energy fluctuations of bipolar disorder are a challenge. I'm glad to hear that your husband is on board with treatment, that you have MDs you can trust, and that you have a supportive church community.

You'll do a great service by teaching the Family-to-Family course. NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill) is one of the greatest education/advocacy groups out there. They are challenging stigma, educating the public, supporting families, and encouraging consumers (eg: people wtih mental illness). A great group.

Mental illness can be hell when we encounter it in ourselves or our family members. At the same time, it challenges us to know ourselves, to find meaning, to have compassion for others, and to encounter God in people and places that we might otherwise miss. Who knows the "why" of our particular afflictions? The fact is that we're learning new things about the brain every day. I'm thankful to be living in a time when so many treatment innovations are unfolding.

Blessings to you for your willingness to learn, and the grace to share what you know.