Well last night my husband finally got some much needed sleep. His Dr. adjusted his meds again so we're hoping and praying that helps a lot. We went to dinner with our friends and went to our Home Fellowship group. He'll get out if I go with him. He also went back to work yesterday. Thank God. Just wish his bosse's boss would understand. He works for a Christian organization and this guy just doesn't get it and doesn't want to get it. He says things like "Does Tom still want his job" etc... He's the one who demoted my husband and took his benefits away. Nice guy, huh? Think theres a discriminatroy case there...don't you think? The reason he stays at the job is cuz its not a real stressful job. Its hard to find a job when your bipolar that can keep your stress levels down. We started reading together a book that "Unique" suggested for us to read called "Battlefield of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer. Excellent book!!! I'm so glad the Lord lead you to tell us about this book. I recommend it for everyone to read!!!! Thanks so much!!!! I am taking care of myself. I'm taking a refresher class through NAMI called the Family to Family class. Its great. There is going to be a NAMI walk in San Diego coming up. We need to get the word out and STOP THE STIGMA OF MENTAL ILLNESS... Love you guys and thanks for your input...