Just read most of the entries in this thread. I was diagnosed as bi-polar 20 years ago. It runs in my family. (More on that below)

They put me on Prozac and Lithium. The Prozac made me worse and I attempted suicide. After that, I stopped the meds and started meditating, praying and using my writing as a tool to heal. I can now say that I am mentally better than I have ever been. I still have manic episodes and depression, but nothing like back then. I am however, what you might call a hermit. I do not like going out to mingle with people. I'd rather stay at home and write. And if I am manic, I can write better than when I'm not. I wouldn't suggest stopping meds though to anyone, without consulting your doctor first.

The hard thing to deal with is the reaction from society to mental illness. But I have found that some of the most creative and talented people are mentally ill.

Still, if you try to get a job now a days, and you write down that you are bi-polar, forget the job! Forget life insurance too, if you've ever attempted suicide. I would NEVER attempt suicide again, but I have been turned down for insurance.

My oldest child is also bi-polar and an alcholic. His illness caused him to get into some major trouble two years ago, and I haven't seen or heard from him since. I do hear through the grapevine that he stopped drinking and that he is trying to pay for what he did. The drinking combined with the illness, changed him from a loving son to a stranger that I don't know anymore. So to those who are trying to deal with a family member who is bi-polar, my heart goes out to you.

Just wanted to add my thoughts. Thanks for listening.