Lol chick! Do you mean the green stuff called Fluff with pistachios in it? Or do you mean the green fur that evolves after food sits in the sun too long?

Our picnic was a success! 50 people out of 70 showed up. No rain! Just 93 and miserably humid! We kept the food inside with the air conditioner on high.

My nephew is a DJ who does karaoke, so we had a blast singing! Then my daughter Jamie's boy friend got up and sang "their" song and came out with the microphone and asked her to come up to the stage. He then proceeded to get down on one knee and he proposed to her! They kissed and she said yes, then he put the ring on her! It was a special surprise for all of us. We were all blubbering! Lol!

The picnic ended at midnight with a few fireworks, and lots of left overs, as I think the heat stopped people from eating too much! Oh well, we are having left overs this week! Lol!

We will do it all again next year. We don't go on many vacations, so the money we save, we spend on this. Anyway, we had a grand time!