Yes, exactly. We are told it's everything from postpartum depression to PMS to hysterical woman syndrome, I used to think it was the men in my life. We're not nuts, just moody! Look around at any time, and you'll find something to blame it on. Brain chemistry is the true cause, they say, and I add: it has a lot to do with blood sugar, too. I produce too much insulin in response to sugar or carbohydrates. No brainer: when the blood sugar is normal, we feel good. If not, then we are either on a high or a low. They need to research that further, since we are a nation consuming on average 120 lbs of sugar per year, and 50 years ago, we consumed only 3 1/2 lbs. per year. SEE THE RED FLAGS, ANYONE? Just got my medicaid card, will be going to the doc to play guinea pig soon. If you are female, you are often misdiagnosed. Remember the aspirin thing? The accident was 7 years ago, and I couldn't even make a sentence for a year. I thought I would be a writer when I retired. Well...maybe. The hospital said I was fine, and sent me home with codeine. My doggone neck was broken! I TOLD 'EM that sucker hurt. Found this out in January this year. Too late to sue. We nurses say, we're here to keep those doctors from ruining people's lives. Bif!