Everyone talks to me about what mom is two sister in-laws and of course mom lets me know what's going on. I received a call from my sister-in-law from out of town venting about the injustice of it and that I need to keep an eye on mom and/or intervene somehow. I'm an outsider who came into a family that is kindda passive. I'm more of a look you in the face and tell you the truth...not to be hateful...but, I don't sugar coat something when it's going to hurt me or someone I love. (like a drugged out daughter abusing her mom). For most of my life I was a doormat and it took a lot of being stepped on and some therapy to no longer allow that in my life. You're right...I am passionate about this mainly because I know something could be done if mom would take the steps to change it.
I know you're right...I have to stop caring so much. I'm also a 'fixer'. I try to heal people's pain, especially those closest to me. And you're probably right about how mom shows robin love...even if it's the wrong way...Gosh, I'm glad I have my boomer friends to help me see both sides of things. I thought I could make her see the light...I guess I can't make her see the light anymore than she can make Robin stop using drugs.
I'm going to try harder to concentrate more on my life with my husband and the wonderful things we have going together. Mom knows we're here if she needs us.
Thanks for the jolt of reality and the prespective from perhaps mom's side.
Thanks, Dotsie.