Thanks Smile. I've already been weaning myself off the carbs and will look into the pro-biotics. That draino thing is REALLY scary!!!

About 15 years ago, I read an article in the doctor's office about yeast, and how women who are on extended doses of anti-biotics can develope chronic yeast infections throughout their bodies, the main symptom of which is severe fatigue. I showed it to my doctor, because at that point, I had been off and on anti-biotics for about 10 years, due to recurring severe strep infections (which first started when I had the mono). What she did in response was take me off all anti-biotics and forced me to fight that particular strep infection on my own. I was so sick for two weeks, but guess what, I've never had another strep infection since then.

Unfortunately the fatigue never disappeared with the strep!

My mono came right out of the blue. There was no warning that I can recall. I was in university, on the student council, thoroughly enjoying my life and studies there. Then one day I was literally hit in the the head with violent headaches. Went across the street to the pharmacy to get some pain medication (up until that day, I had hardly ever taken medication of any kind). The pharmacist urged me to go to a clinic nearby. That's where I was diagnosed with the mono, but left the clinic without anything more than a prescription for bedrest. Two hours later I ended up in the hospital with the mono, asceptic meningitis, severe strep throat and an eye infection. I was in hospital for ten days, and then in bed for close to three months.

Even then, I think now that I resumed a normal pace of life too soon. I was plagued with unrelenting, worsening fatigue, which I ignored as much as possible. But it was barely 2 years later that I had my massive breakdown which spiralled into major depression...I had never thought to pursue it until you mentioned it to me the other day, but looking back, it seems that there must be a connection between the two.

[ September 18, 2005, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]