I ended up calling a local hospital that deals with this sort of thing. They said I could bring him in so he could be evaluated and they could put him back on medication.

This was a relief, because I just didn't know where to turn.

I told my husband and he thinks that he'll be open to going to the doctor, because he said he wanted to go yesterday, so I'm hoping they can give him some help.

The only thing is, that it is outpatient unless he's severe enough for them to keep him. I'll have to call social services tomorrow and see if there is any temporary housing available or assistance we can use to get him out of our house...that sounds so harsh, but it's a bit uncomfortable with him starring at us all the time...it's strange.

Hopefully we will be able to take him to the hospital tomorrow afternoon.

This is such a hard situation, thank you guys all so much for your kind words, I really needed it!
