I want to thank everyone for their kind words. It's been a really trying time for us. We've never had to deal with anything like this before, but I think it has brought us closer together emotionally.

My husband went today to talk to the doctors and hopefully figure out a plan for when he gets out. They said when he arrived he was "acutely phycotic", which doesn't sound good. But he has responded to his medication. We know he wants to get out of there and are hoping that he isn't faking the recovery so that he can (I guess with his condition, it has been known to happen).

I'm waiting to hear from my husband right now, I'm hoping it's good news.

It's funny how you live in this little bubble, taking all those mundane things for granted. We started thinking about those little problems that arrise, money and car trouble and this was a huge wake up call to the tune of "we are healthy, and happy and mentally intact"....you never know what's around the corner.

I'll keep you posted on the happenings. I'm glad we got him help and I'm glad I don't have to consider the "what if's".
