Thank you all for your encouragement. It really does help. I just got home from my first NAMI meeting which was also helpful. Although everyone I’ve come in contact with has been very supportive & caring, there aren’t many who are dealing with their spouses’ new found mental illness.

I am so dreading tomorrow. I wish my husband didn’t have to be there when I testify. I know this is going to hurt him so much. I am trying to pull myself together & focus on the fact that I have got to do this for his betterment. I love him way to much to not do this. I just hope that at some point he will see that.

Rose, Chickadee & Dianne, thank you for your prayers. I believe I have found some caring people here in the "www". I am glad to hear that you aunt was accepting of your uncle. That gives my a ray of hope.

Browser57, I so understand your feelings of helplessness. Our hansds are tied whie our hearts ache. My husband, Honey [Smile] , also deals with addition. He even talks about how & where he will get some when he gets out. (I found & threw his stash away.) I fear that once Honey gets out that he will stop taking his meds. Then we will be at square one again. Well, I'll add you & yours to my prayers.