
I agree. You are too hard on yourself. You cannot blame yourself or feel bad because things you say might be hurting your husband's feelings. You are practicing tough love and he will recognize that when he is healthier. Don't take personally what he says or does now because he's not himself. I'm bipolar and I look back at things I said and did when I was without medication, and I can't believe it. I see now that I was totally irrational and no one could reason with me. I thought everyone was out to get me and I took everything the wrong way; so your husband's feeling are likely to be hurt no matter WHAT you do or say.

I simple was UNABLE to think logically and your husband isn't able to either. He NEEDS you to stick to your guns and insist that he get the help he needs. You're doing the right thing by making sure he gets treatment -- and also in letting him know that you love him. That's the thing he'll remember when he's better -- that you stuck by him and continued to love him no matter what.

I'll be praying for you both and I wish you the best.
