gee my opinion, the horror category is a tuffie...I couldn't begin to write in that area simply because I just don't have the guts or what it takes. You go girl. I can't even watch scary commercials on TV without getting spooked. HA! Whimp? You bet!

A lot of people take a genre and use humor with it. Nothing to say you can't, eh? Like a lot of mysteries holding drama, also include humor sprinkled here and there. I like the added element. So why not humor in horror?

I think entering contest is an excellent way of building up a portfoilo and getting your name out there. (Don't forget I have one on my web page) Very smart on your part girlfriend.

Also, lots of people look for interesting and NEW, BUDDING writers to feature on their web you might want to seek out horror sites and see if they are interested in featuring you and one of your stories...??? Just a thought. MAKE SURE they are credible sites first though. I would check to see if there's any bad publicity about on predators and editors...

Once again welcome and don't be shy. Ask anything you want, contribute anything you want and comment on anything you want...

It's a great home and very addictive. You'll find yourself wanting to check in each day with THA SISTAHS...and now, you are one.
