I wrote this early today and am planning on submitting it to the newspaper for the regular Prairie Talk column. I haven't sent anything yet that they haven't published and paid me for, so I am sending it in! They also have already asked for me to write about my travel to Germany and surrounding areas so I am guaranteed of another publish!

I just thought I would share this with all my Boomer Friends, and maybe invite comments on it as well. I thank God for my Boomer friends and the support and love that I feel from them.

Today I turned 55. I don’t feel any different from the way I did yesterday!
I am eligible for senior citizens discount in some restaurants, and AARP has been sending me invitations to join their organization for the last 5 years. I look at myself in the mirror and I see a middle-aged woman with gray hair, slightly fluffy, and grandmother of 12 (almost) grandchildren.

The odd thing is that I am now, once again a “tweener”. Too old for the skintight, belly showing fashions that show so much skin that is the trend, but too young to be wearing housedresses and no make up. I am finally able to wear clothes that either button or zip at the waist and what do I find? Elastic waist! Long shirts, oversized tops and dresses that MY grandmother would wear! Boomer women need to rise in revolt and demand that our needs be met. We would still like to wear comfortable and trendy clothes that are fashionable. Colors, dull, lengths, terrible, and they try to convince us that is what we should wear. Bah Humbug!

I like the philosophy of the Red Hat Society. Wear what you want, feel happy and content with who you are and where you are in your lifetime and enjoy every single day that you are alive.

My motto is “You’re never too old to reach for your dream.” I am reaching for that dream and admire those that are still reaching for their dreams. Are you a Boomer who has gone back to school? Have you just started a hobby that you have always wanted to try? Started writing, painting, sketching or just learning the computer? Then go for it, make the most of your life, enjoy your grandchildren and if you still have children at home, treasure the time that you have them with you.

The best thing about being 55? I don’t have to be cute anymore! I can wear a size 14 and feel good about it, I have accepted that my hair is gray and will not take color or a perm and I think being a grandmother is the best thing that has ever happened to me!

Age is a state of mind, my mind is young, and it is only my body that tells me that I am getting older. I have a little difficulty in getting off the floor while holding my 3-month old or 2-month old granddaughter. And I get stiff if I sit in one spot for too long. I have my pool teams that I shoot on, work full-time, and still am working on my writing career.

Yes, I am 55 and I am comfortable with that. I am having a wonderful birthday and I look forward to the next one that I will have.

Sherri Smith